Agenda item

Any other business


David Wyatt highlighted that the expectation for the submission of detailed information at an early stage in the application process is set too high, especially at the validation stage and he added that process is getting too detailed with time and money being wasted at a very early stage in the process.


Nick Harding stated that he would be happy to review the recent applications submitted by David Wyatt and see the reasons why the applications have not been validated on the first time of receipt to ascertain whether the correct decisions were made at validation stage.


David Thomas stated that there has to be sufficient information submitted at an early stage when dealing with drainage issues to be able to prove that a solution exists. He added that the recent flooding event that took place which proved that the local drainage systems which failed and not the major arterial systems.



Peter Humphrey stated that validation process from Fenland appears to take longer, than it does from Kings Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council. He added that Kings Lynn validation team also contact him by phone to request minor changes, which are actioned on the same day. He added if Fenland could do the same process as Kings Lynn, it would expedite things. Nick Harding states that the validation backlog has been significant and currently there is a 1.5-week backlog which is being reduced so that the vast majority of applications are being are validated within 5 working days. He added that there is the requirement to record and evidence any application which is made invalid following the checks and there always need to be a communication sent in relation to invalid applications to satisfy audit requirements.


Councillor Mrs Laws expressed the opinion that it would be very helpful, if the agents submitted their applications correctly in the first instance. She added that the Planning Team are still being used as an extension of professional offices. Councillor Mrs Laws congratulated the team on their efforts and work ethic to assist with the validation process.


Nick Harding added that in November,15% of applications were valid upon receipt and in December it was 13%.


Councillor Mrs Laws stated that there is still the offer of another training workshop on validation if any developers or agents would find it helpful and useful. John Maxey stated that his team are using the validation checklist and submit it with the application which has proved to be useful as explanations can be added upon submission as to why things may have been omitted.


Councillor Mrs Laws stated that a change was made to the Constitution at Full Council in August and in December 2020. She added that one in August refers to other and minor applications where the officer’s recommendation is refusal. The Head of Planning will now consult the Chairman of the Planning Committee and decide if the application should be determined by the Planning Committee or the application should be determined under delegated powers by the Head of Planning. If in the opinion of the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chairman of Planning Committee the recommendation is accepted, the Case Officers’ recommendation will be countersigned by the Head of Planning. If in the opinion of the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chairman of Planning Committee there are wider planning issues to consider, the application will be placed on the Planning Committee agenda.


Councillor Mrs Laws added that in December, Full Council, the Major applications were brought in line with the minor applications with regard to letters of support and added that 6 letters of support or objection will be taken into account and they must be from within the ward where the site is located or the adjacent ward. She reiterated that the 6 letters may come from the same household.


Nick Harding provided the figures on planning application performance.


Majors – 35% determined within 13 weeks but with extensions of times 100% was achieved.


Minors – 55%   determined within 8 weeks but with extensions of times 93%


Other applications 78% determined within 8 weeks but with extensions of time 98%


He added that following the surface water flooding event which happened just before      Christmas, a meeting will be taking place with the MP, Fenland District Council, Cambridgeshire County Council and Anglian Water. He added that the Internal Drainage Boards and the Environment Agency have also been invited.



The dates of the meetings going forward are as follows:


7 April 2021

21 July 2021

6 October 2021

19 January 2022

13 April 2022.