Agenda item

Kitchen Garden Cottage, Coxs Lane, Wisbech,Erect a dwelling involving removal of existing portacabin (outline application with all matters reserved)

To determine the application.


David Rowen presented the report to members:


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the Public Participation Procedure, from Mrs Shanna Jackson, the Agent.


Mrs Jackson stated that the proposal is for a dwelling at the kitchen garden cottage and an application for a similar scheme was previously refused as it was considered that the site was in an elsewhere location and was unsustainable as there was no footpath, however, she is of the opinion that the locality and the policy framework does allow for a new dwelling in this location. She made the point that the site is located within the West Wisbech Broad Location for Growth under the current Local Plan and, therefore, the Council has already accepted that development will take place in this location and questioned how this site has been deemed as being outside of the settlement or in an elsewhere location as the reasons for refusal suggest.


Mrs Jackson referred to the dwellings currently under construction in Barton Road and the proposal for a care home, which recently had planning permission granted by the committee located further down the lane. She added that it is a brownfield site, the development of which is supported by the National Planning Policy Framework, and this also supports the principle of the proposal. She stated that with regard to the footpath link, it would be unviable to provide a footpath to link a single dwelling with the footpath along Barton Road, however, since the Council wish to develop the area a footpath network in this area in inevitable given the amount of houses the land in question can hold.


Mrs Jackson added that a business currently operates from this site and there is a benefit in removing the vehicular movements associated with the catering business which involves delivery vehicles and replacing it with domestic movements, which would benefit the existing residents. She stated that the site is within a residential location, forming part of the Barton Green residential footprint, it is within an area where the Council has aspirations for development and to state that it is in an elsewhere location is contradictory to the plans for the area.


Mrs Jackson added that there are no technical objections to the proposal, and it is supported by residents and by the Town Council and she expressed the opinion that nature and location of the proposal is sustainable.


Members asked officers the following questions:

·         Councillor Meekins stated that he was surprised with the aerial photograph that the officer used as it does not show what has been built in the Barton Green area, which was completed in 2011. He asked officers whether there was a more recent photo that could have been provided? David Rowen stated that the photo provided is the most up to date aerial photo that officers had, and the location plan and the outlines of those developments were shown on the aerial photo which he had alluded to in his presentation.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows:

·         Councillor Meekins stated that Barton Green is a fantastic small development with 6 good quality homes and questioned whether the application is going to be refused because there is a lack of footpath, making the point that there are other houses along that lane and that it is a shame that a more current aerial photo was not provided to members. In his opinion, the portacabin currently in place is an eyesore and a dwelling would enhance that part of Cox’s Lane and he will support the scheme and go against the officer’s recommendation.

·         Councillor Sutton stated that he has reviewed Google maps, which does shows Barton Green, so there is access to a more up to date photograph. He added that he cannot understand why the issue with a footpath is any more relevant to this site than it is to Barton Green and if it was just a bare site he would have a different opinion, but as it already has a built form on it, with a brick culvert over the ditch, he cannot see why officers are overly concerned about a footpath.

·         Councillor Benney stated that the absence of the footpath does not concern him referring to a previous application where there was no street lighting or footpath for 450 metres, which was approved. He referred to the comments made by Councillor Meekins, who knows the area well and has the local knowledge, and he agrees with the comments of both Councillors Meekins and Sutton and he will be supporting the application.


Proposed by Councillor Meekins, seconded by Councillor Skoulding and decided that the application be APPROVED, against the officer’s recommendation, subject to conditions to be imposed on the planning permission being delegated to officers and agreed in conjunction with Councillor Meekins.


Members do not support officers’ recommendation of refusal of planning permission as they feel that the application is not detrimental to the area or unsustainable as there is already the existing development in Barton Green.

Supporting documents: