Agenda item

16 North Street, Wisbech,Change of use of ground floor from offices to 5 x1-bed and 1 x 2-bed flats including erection of a 2 metre high close boarded timber fence/gate, addition of cladding and painting of brickwork and refurbishment of windows to flats 1-10

To determine the application.


Gavin Taylor presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation in support of the application, in accordance with the public participation procedure from Mr Henry Adams, the Applicant.


Mr Adams explained the background of the development and advised that he purchased the property 18 months ago with the aim of his proposal to improve the look of the building and to enhance and improve the streetscene. He explained that he has worked with the agents to make the building look visually attractive and that there have been security issues to date which have been addressed with new locks and CCTV, however there are still issues with regard to flytipping.


Mr Adams stated that with regard to parking, the double garages which can be seen on the plans, these were already bricked up and out of use prior to his purchase. He added that the two parking spaces are leased out to the dog grooming business.


Mr Adams concluded by stating that there will be an outside functional courtyard space created for the residents, which in a town centre location is an added benefit and it will utilise the area which is currently suffering from issues of fly tipping.


Members asked officers the following questions:

·     Councillor Murphy expressed the view that he is pleased to see where the refuse and recycling has been accommodated and asked for clarification with regard to one of the conditions where it states that the boundary treatments and access control measures shown, shall be fully implemented and maintained in perpetuity thereafter and he asked who will be maintaining this and where is this documented?. Gavin Taylor stated that whoever is controlling this building will be responsible for ensuring that they are maintained in perpetuity and if the property is sold then the planning condition will remain with the land


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows:

·         Councillor Meekins stated this property is in his ward and he is well aware of the issue of fly tipping at that location with it being unsightly for many years.

·         He stated that he has noted that Wisbech Town Council have objected to the application as they feel it is over development, however in his opinion he does not feel this is the case pointing out  in the vicinity of the application site there are other blocks of flats and apartments and he does not think that the proposal for an additional 6 flats should be classed as over development in this case. Councillor Meekins made the point that on the Old Market in Wisbech there are currently 3 empty commercial units which are available to let.

·         Councillor Meekins expressed the view that when he had cause to visit this site over the last year, he found it to be quite unnerving. He added he was able to access the entrance without any issue and, therefore, he is pleased to hear that the door is now secured by keyfobs and CCTV.

·         Councillor Meekins added that single occupancy properties will be welcomed in Wisbech and if there is the need for parking then Chapel Road car park is only 200 yards away. He added that it will improve this area of Wisbech as currently this site it is a blot on the landscape and he will really welcome this as an enhancement to Peckover Ward.

·         Councillor Lynn expressed the view that he would normally be against changing a business into a residential dwelling, however, in this case the site is in desperate need of renovation and change. He added that this area has suffered from anti-social behaviour on a large scale, fly tipping, violence and this part of the town needs to be improved and he will support the application.


Proposed by Councillor Meekins, seconded by Councillor Lynn and decided that the application be APPROVED, as per the officer’s recommendation.

Supporting documents: