Agenda item

Land south and west of 4-5 Mill Hill Lane, March.Erect up to 2x dwellings (outline application with matters committed in respect of access)

To determine the application.


David Rowen presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the Public Participation Procedure, from Mr Matthew Hall, the Agent for the application.


Mr Hall explained that the site is located in an area where a number of approvals have been granted over the last two years. He added that the comments are noted from County Council with regard to over development, but they had actually recommended approval when the proposal was for 3 dwellings.


Mr Hall stated that the site is three quarters of an acre in size and this proposal is for 2 bungalows. He added that following previous concerns a turning head is included for emergency and refuse vehicles and the drainage ditch that has been referred to has an ecological report carried out and no concerns were raised.


Mr Hall explained that in conjunction with the Highways Officer various amendments have been made to the private drive and the Byways Officer has also been consulted and both have commented on the application and have raised no objections. He stated that the existing property to the south has retained far greater than a third garden area left and it should be noted that there are other properties in March, which are accessed by a private drive and this proposal is no different to those. Mr Hall stated that he has noted from the officer’s report that there is a plan which shows other developments, which have been approved since 2018, all off of private drives and they do not have passing places. He added that some of these have been approved by the Planning Committee, others by officers, some of which have had permeable block paving and one is a gravel drive with no passing places.


Mr Hall concluded by stating that the proposal is in Flood Zone 1, the broad concept of the site is not at odds with relevant policies, Highways have raised no objections they are single storey units which is a low density development of two bungalows in three quarters of an acre with adequate turning facilities on the site, which will use an existing access point off Mill Hill Lane.


Members asked officers the following questions:


·         Councillor Cornwell questioned whether the area that is covered by this application and the area that this application almost land locks, should form part of the work taking place with regard to the Broad Concept Plan? David Rowen stated that it is his understanding that the broad location for growth is the land to the south of the site and the application site is not within the broad location for growth. Councillor Cornwell referred to the land that the application site seems to almost land lock, as there is an area to the north of the site which is not accessible. David Rowen advised that whether a site is land locked should not be a consideration when determining this application and it would be a matter for the land owners to assess at that particular time on any future land development proposals.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows;


·         Councillor Sutton expressed the opinion that the proposal fits with all polices, and the only issue with the application is the lack of amenity space. He made reference to previous planning appeals with regard to applications in Whittlesey and Chatteris and added that members should be consistent when making decisions and give consideration to appeal decisions that have been heard by the Planning Inspectorate.



Proposed by Councillor Sutton, seconded by Councillor Benney and decided that the application be APPROVED, against the officer’s recommendation.



Members did not support the officer’s recommendation of refusal of planning permission as they feel that there would not be a detrimental impact on the amenities of neighbouring properties and, that previous appeal decision, where the Inspector has over turned decisions to allow similar applications should be given weight.


It was decided that the conditions imposed on the planning permission be delegated to officer’s in agreement with the Chairman, Councillor Benney and Councillor Sutton.


(Councillor Skoulding declared an interest in this item as his mother lives in Mill Hill Lane and took no part in the discussion on this application and voting thereon).

Supporting documents: