Agenda item

Lattersey Field, Benwick Road, Whittlesey.Erect 4no industrial units (B1, B2, B8 use), security office and 3.0 metre high acoustic screen with associated parking and hardstanding areas including formation of swales, attenuation pond and associated drainage infrastructure (part retrospective)

To determine the application.


David Rowen presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation in support of the application, in accordance with the Public Participation Procedure from Mr Ronan Gleeson, the applicant.


Mr Gleeson thanked the committee for the opportunity to address them today, and explained that he is a Director at JRL Group, and wished to speak in support of the application.

Mr Gleeson explained that the proposal is for the creation of a new plant and logistics depot with storage at Lattersey Field, Benwick Road, Whittlesey, to support his growing business adding that the proposal includes the erection of 4 industrial units, a security office and a 3.0 metre high acoustic screen with associated parking and hardstanding areas.

He stated that the JRL Group encompasses 14 divisions delivering bespoke solutions for the most complex construction projects and that it is an industry leading innovative construction business, operating at a national level, which turns over £500 million annually and employs over 3000 workers with the company able to offer total site solutions for construction projects, from just demolition to full turn-key solutions.

Mr Gleeson added that the company is working to revolutionise the construction industry by investing in innovation in off-site prefabrication systems to accelerate build programs, and deliver clean and energy efficient processes that support sustainable economic growth.

He stated that Lattersey Field was identified by the company as a fantastic opportunity to further expand their operations and reach, with the site located in close proximity to their existing operations in Peterborough, and strategically located between their sites in Nottingham and Bedfordshire.

Mr Gleeson added that within the officer’s report, the site has already secured a hybrid planning approval for industrial and commercial uses, with detailed approval for site remediation and outline approval for commercial development. He stated that the company have seen the potential for the site to assist with its Plant and Logistics operations, while providing a site for the storage and repair of slip form structures used in the construction of tall buildings.

Mr Gleeson stated that the site will employ approximately 100 people including the creation of 60 new jobs in construction and trades, along with providing apprenticeships and training through existing partnerships.

He expressed the view that his company are committed to an investment of approximately £10 million in delivering the proposal and have already undertaken the remediation and decontamination, which was approved under the original application, along with introducing active ecological management of the existing site and the formation of specially design newt habitats.

Mr Gleeson stated that great care has been taken in the preparation of this planning application, with a key focus on ensuring its approach protects the amenities of neighbours. He added that JRL understands their responsibility to be good neighbours, and engages directly with residents to ensure their concerns and issues are addressed.

Mr Gleeson expressed the view that the design and operation of the site will ensure protection from noise, the control of dust and odours to protect air quality, while minimising visual intrusion from built structures, plant, machinery and lighting with a large area of additional soft landscaping and tree planting being proposed to screen the proposal from wider viewpoints, and further ecological enhancements to secure a net biodiversity gain.

He confirmed that all technical matters such as access, highway impact, flood risk and drainage have all been addressed to the satisfaction of statutory consultees which includes onsite surface water attenuation systems, the design of which has been fully vetted by the drainage boards and the Lead Local flood Authority.

Mr Gleeson concluded by stating that, it is his intention to make this site a  key asset to the JRL Group and a focus of investment and job creation going forward. In his view the development of this site for employment purposes is supported by the Development Plan, and the proposal is acceptable in planning terms both in principle and in detail.


Members asked Mr Gleeson the following questions:


·         Councillor Sutton asked Mr Gleeson to confirm how many people are currently employed on site? Mr Gleeson stated that there are currently 25 people employed.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows:


·         Councillor Sutton expressed the opinion that he does not understand why Whittlesey Town Council has not supported this proposal. He added that it is an industrial operation in an industrial area and will bring an additional 75 jobs to the area and this should be welcomed. He added that he cannot see any reason for refusal.

·         Councillor Miscandlon stated that Whittlesey Town Council do welcome this type of proposal and investment, but the local infrastructure is not in place to support the large heavy goods vehicles, which would need to enter and exit the site. He added that the junction of Inhams Road and Cemetery Road is a death trap and there is the potential of accidents with there having been many near misses. He added that when the order was put in place as the approved route, it was for 20 tonne lorries and 20 foot trailers however it is not uncommon now to see 45 tonne lorries and 40 feet trailers. He added that for the Highways Authority to say there is no issue at that junction with regard to this proposal is negligent and short sighted because there is a problem and it needs to be addressed. He added that whilst he welcomes Mr Gleeson’s investment into Whittlesey, the infrastructure needs to be in place to ensure the safety of the residents of Whittlesey and for the employees who work on site.

·         Councillor Marks stated that he appreciates the comments raised by Councillor Miscandlon with regard to the large vehicles, however there are larger vehicles already utilising the site with large plant machinery. He expressed the opinion that there is somebody who wishes to invest and bring business and employment into the district and this should be welcomed and supported.

·         Councillor Benney concurred with Councillors Sutton and Marks, and stated that all road building is constructed on statistics. He expressed the view, that by bringing the development forward, it will assist with the statistics and prove the need for a relief road. He added that he welcomes the proposal and will be supporting it.


Proposed by Councillor Benney, seconded by Councillor Meekins and decided that the application be APPROVED as per the officer’s recommendation.



(Councillor Miscandlon registered in accordance with Paragraph 14 of the Code of Conduct on Planning Matters, that he is the Chairman of the Planning Committee at Whittlesey Town Council and he has taken part in the discussion and voting on this item, but he reserves the right to change his mind should evidence and information be brought forward to alter his decision).



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