Agenda item

To receive reports from and ask questions of Cabinet members with portfolio holder responsibilities, in accordance with Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2.


Standing orders were suspended to allow for full discussion on this item.


Members asked questions of Portfolio Holders in accordance with Procedure Rules 8.1and 8.2 as follows:


·         Councillor Mrs Bligh stated that Murrow residents have worked hard to be the fifteenth Street Pride Group in Fenland, asking for her thanks to be passed to the Street Pride Coordinator for her assistance in setting up the group, but this group have never been acknowledged in the Portfolio Holder report asking if there is there a reason why? Councillor Murphy stated that he would see that this matter was addressed.

·         Councillor Mrs Bligh asked the Leader, due to his position on the Combined Authority, to support the retention of the number 46 bus route, making the point that local residents rely on this service. She stated she had mentioned this issue to Mayor James Palmer at the All Member Seminar, but he was unable to comment as to whether it would be saved after April 2019. The Leader stated he will be happy and prepared to support the retention of this bus service.

·         Councillor Bligh asked Councillor Oliver for further details of the 52 cases of anti-social behaviour in Fenland, and whether these statistics can be split into areas, including details of where the CCTV is sited. Councillor Oliver stated he would ensure this is actioned.

·         Councillor Bligh asked, due to the heightened awareness of ‘period poverty’ where young girls are missing days of their secondary education due to not having access to sanitary products, whether there is anything that the Council can do to provide support? Councillor Cornwell stated that he will be discussing this matter with colleagues who have undertaken projects concerning this issue.

·         Councillor Mrs French stated that it would appear the Fenland District Council website has some errors on it which need updating.

·         Councillor Mrs Bucknor referred to her attendance at a meeting with the Department of Work and Pensions concerning the implementation of Universal Credit and a number of issues which customers have encountered, asking if Councillor Mrs Hay would engage with the One Stop Shop in Wisbech to ensure that customers are directed to the Rainbow Savers Credit Union, who may be able to assist them. Councillor Mrs Hay stated that she will liaise with the One Stop Shop and ensure that they have the details of the Rainbow Savers Credit Union.

·         Councillor Tibbs asked whether there is any update with regard to Wisbech Vehicle Exchange and also concerning the derelict building on Petts Close where there are reports on drug mis-use taking place. Councillor Oliver stated that there is no update concerning the Wisbech Vehicle Exchange and he will check with Officers to see if there is any progress. With regard to the Petts Close issue, Councillor Oliver stated he will speak to Councillor Tibbs outside of the meeting.

·         Councillor Tierney made the point that it is disappointing to learn of the current situation with Wisbech Bowls Club, with the club being a success story for Wisbech, asking that every effort to be made to protect the future of the club going forward. Councillor Buckton stated that there is no intention to close the Bowls Club, but part of the invitation to tender for the Leisure Services Contract, included whether there were any opportunities for the redevelopment of the bowls hall. As a result of the procurement process, Freedom Leisure, who have been selected as the preferred provider have submitted two options; doing nothing to the bowls hall or redeveloping the bowls hall resulting in an investment of £500,000 into that area of the Leisure Centre increasing the amount of revenue to the Council of £140,000, which over the course of the contract equates to £2,000,000. If the first option had been chosen then the Council would still be in the same position where it would need to subsidise the leisure centres. Councillor Buckton stated that discussions will continue with the bowls club to identify ways for it to continue.

·         Councillor Booth commented that the briefing that Members received implied that Bowls Club members would have to play at clubs elsewhere, suggesting that the club would be disbanded. To build a purpose built bowls club will take a considerable amount of time, and therefore, it would be preferable if the existing club can continue at another location. Councillor Buckton stated that the suggestion in the briefing concerning the use of other bowls clubs was just one option. Freedom Leisure have agreed that there will be no redevelopment in that area until the middle of next year, with all options still needing to be considered. Another option is to use the sports hall, which could accommodate short mat bowls, and although it may not be the preferred option in comparison with a full size bowls green it is an option, even if it is an interim arrangement. The Council will do everything it can to enable the continuation of the bowls club, so that the members can continue to enjoy bowls.

·         Councillor Mrs French asked Councillor Murphy whether he has applied for the monies available from the ‘Champion of Fenland’ scheme following an email she has sent to him. Councillor Murphy stated that he is yet to apply.

·         Councillor Mrs Bucknor referred to the agenda pack, which contains details concerning the Wisbech port area, mentioning an increase of ships coming to Wisbech, and how the Port has handled the largest amount of cargo in a single month ‘ever’, feeling that the word ‘ever’ is a little optimistic. There is also a mention of the yacht harbour marketing plan, where it mentions that a response is still to be received from Central Government regarding funding and she would like members to be informed with regard to the outcome and whether funding has been awarded. The Leader responded that Councillor Oliver is the Portfolio Holder responsible for the Port area and will ensure that Members are notified when a response is received.

·         Councillor Mrs Bucknor asked whether the Leader will be attending the next Combined Authority meeting in September where the Wisbech Access Strategy will be discussed? The Leader stated that either he or Councillor Oliver will be in attendance and Members will be advised of any decision made concerning the strategy.

·         Councillor Booth asked for clarity with regard to the number of business enquiries which have come into the Council, which had previously been discussed at Overview and Scrutiny and had been noted that there were no actual businesses that had moved into Fenland, and asked whether the figures shown could actually show how many successful moves have actually taken place, to give a better reflection and understanding? Councillor Oliver said that he will take that action forward.

·         Councillor Booth stated that on Page 48 it mentions the amount of fixed penalty notices that had been issued and he asked whether these fixed penalty notices are collected or is there a default rate? Councillor Oliver stated that he will check to see what the default rate is.

·         Councillor Booth queried the information concerning housing benefit claims, making the point that whilst recognising we are outside of the target, the information in the report is marked in green and it should be red. He referred to page 54, with regard to the number of applications for grants being submitted as 0 out of 8 but is marked in green, and as we are almost halfway through the year there should have been at least 4 applications submitted. Councillor Booth added, on page 67 where it mentions FACT, he would like an update as to the outcome and effects on the Council following the investigation that was held. Councillor Mrs Hay stated that with regard to the information concerning housing benefits, which is marked in green as opposed to red, if the figures are compared over the past couple of months, the figure has decreased from 9.4 days to 8.8 days.  She advised that ARP has recently recruited a number of new staff who have required training and this also needs to be taken into consideration. Councillor Booth stated that although the figures are moving in the right direction, the target has still not been met. Councillor Mrs Hay stated that she will monitor the figures going forward.

·         Councillor Sutton asked Councillor Buckton to clarify whether the £140,000 revenue that he mentioned in relation to the Leisure Centres forms part of the £351,000 savings or whether it is additional sum of money. Councillor Buckton stated that it is part of the overall £351,000 savings. Councillor Sutton asked that if the Bowls Club remains, then Council is going to lose £140,000? Councillor Buckton confirmed that would be the case. Councillor Sutton expressed the view that it would be wrong to support any club in any town or village when it would cost the Council that amount of money.

·         Councillor Sutton stated that he had noted that the planning results continue to be very good; however, nationally the results of the report are listed as majors and non-majors and asked why we are still reporting the results as majors, minors and others. Councillor Mrs Laws stated that she takes Councillor Suttons comments on board.

·         Councillor Buckton clarified that Members need to make a distinction between the bowls hall and the bowls club. It is the bowls hall that is being redeveloped, the bowls club is separate and the Council will do everything it can to ensure it continues.

·         Councillor Mrs Bucknor advised Members that Nestle Purina have posted on social media a 3 minute promotional video, which also promotes Wisbech, and she would like it considered when promoting tourism in the area.

·         Councillor Mrs Hay advised Councillor Booth that with regard to Council Tax support, there appears to be a typographical error on the latest portfolio holder update where the target is actually 9 days and that is why it is marked in green.

·         Councillor Murphy advised Members that he had attended the Anglia in Bloom awards ceremony in Bury St Edmunds. There were over 150 people in attendance from all over East Anglia with a number of awards being presented to various areas in Fenland, including 3 gold awards for Wisbech, a gold award for Chatteris and Waterlees and a silver gilt award for Benwick.  Brian Massingham from Wisbech was awarded the Mike Ames award for his contribution to the In Bloom project, which is the highest accolade that the In Bloom organisation presents. Councillor Owen congratulated the Wisbech in Bloom team, but questioned the amount of hours of assistance the Wisbech area receives from the Parks and Green Spaces team compared to other Fenland towns.

·         Councillor Sutton congratulated all the worthy winners, but agreed with Councillor Owen and requested a break down in costs, to compare the differences in costs for all of the Fenland areas. Councillor Murphy agreed to provide this detail.

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