Agenda item

To receive reports from and ask questions of Cabinet members with portfolio holder responsibilities, in accordance with Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2.


Members asked questions of Portfolio Holders in accordance with Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2 as follows:


·         Councillor Booth addressed Councillor Boden, for an update with regard to parish street lighting which was discussed earlier at Cabinet.  Councillor Boden stated that he had contacted the Parish Clerks over the last few months to obtain feedback which has concluded that the Parishes would prefer if the Council took control of their street lighting and also assume responsibility for all future expenditure and for the council to reimburse them for the expenditure they have already incurred. Councillor Boden added that he has received some detailed and helpful information from members of the Council, including information from Councillor Humphrey who had provided an additional proposal for Cabinet to consider. As a result of this information, an amendment to the motion on the subjectat today’s Cabinet meeting, in order to ensure that those parishes which have the worst proportion of number of street lights to concurrent grant receive additional monies. This amendment to the motion was passed at Cabinet today.

·         Councillor Patrick addressed Councillor Tierney with regard to the Wisbech Customer Services Centre and asked whether he could be provided with some information concerning the reduction in footfall, since the centre moved to the Boathouse. Councillor Tierney stated that he is aware that there has been a significant reduction, however this reduction in customers is due to the fact that may customers now carry out their enquiries on line as opposed to face to face. Councillor Tierney agreed to obtain statistics for Councillor Patrick as requested.

·         Councillor Bligh asked Councillor Boden if he could provide an update with regard to the review on the bus service and in particular the number 46 route. Councillor Boden stated that whilst he is not able to answer the question directly, the Mayor of the Combined Authority is keen to ensure that the more rural areas of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough are better served by public transport alternatives than they are currently.

·         Councillor Wicks addressed Councillor Murphy and congratulated the ‘Get it Sorted’ team on the amount of information being passed to members and residents concerning recycling. Councillor Wicks stated that the bin collection day calendar, along with other items of literature which are distributed to all residents in Fenland cannot be recycled.  He added that it would be beneficial to have the diary of collection dates placed on the district council website. Councillor Murphy stated that the collection dates are already on the council’s website.

·         Councillor Yeulett highlighted that he had seen an article on the Cambs Times newspaper concerning the initiative of the £100,000 houses and he asked Councillor Mrs Laws whether she can confirm whether the council supports the proposal. Councillor Mrs Laws confirmed that the council is very much in favour of the initiative. She added that she has attended meetings along with Councillor Hoy and Councillor Benney, as well as a meeting with Charles Roberts from East Cambridgeshire District Council. She stated that the process is moving forward and the Fenland Developer Forum will receive a presentation in April. There is also the all member seminar planned on the subject.

·         Councillor Wicks addressed Councillor Tierney with regard to the military covenant and asked whether the covenant could be publicised to the local veterans and military associations. Councillor Tierney agreed with Councillor Wicks and stated that it is very important to make it clear to all the members of the armed services, both serving and veterans, that they are supported along with their families. Councillor Tierney agreed to make contact with all associations.

·         Councillor Mrs Bligh addressed Councillor Murphy with regard to the issue of dog fouling stencils and asked for an update concerning the commencement of their use. Councillor Murphy stated that it is still being discussed and approval would need to be sought from County Council, however he agreed to investigate the use of the stencils further.

·         Councillor Miss French addressed Councillor Benney and asked for an update with regard to the disposal of the councils surplus assets. Councillor Benney stated that following an auction that had taken place earlier that day all of the assets were sold at auction. He added that most reached their reserve price and one exceeded its reserve price. Councillor Benney highlighted the unique property in Wisbech, which has no downstairs or access, was auctioned for £1.00.

·         Councillor Sutton addressed Councillor Mrs Laws with regard to the housing delivery test which Fenland had failed. Councillor Sutton stated that the information was on the Governments website and shows that we have failed the test by 5%. The percentage last year was 97% and by dropping 5%, currently the figure is 92% and an action statement needs to be provided. Councillor Mrs Laws advised Councillor Sutton that she will need to look into this matter further.

·         Councillor Sutton addressed Councillor Benney with regard to the £4000 rental charge for the premises that stores the Vivienne Fire Engine. He added that the charity that looks after the fire engine have no income and he would like this reviewed. Councillor Benney agreed to look into this further.

·         Councillor Sutton addressed Councillor Boden in the absence of Councillor Sam Clark, with regard to the recent visit from the professional boxer Jordan Gill, who had recently visited and promoted the leisure centres. Councillor Sutton stated that there has been no press release to reflect those visits. Councillor Boden asked Councillor Tierney to respond to this question. Councillor Tierney stated that he is very keen to promote the news and he will contact the communications team to address this.

·         Councillor Miss French addressed Councillor Benney and asked for a progress update with regard to the new staff appointments to the Economic Assets team. Councillor Benney stated that the new Economic Growth Manager commences his employment in April. The Business Account Manager commences their new role on Monday 24 February.

·         Councillor Cornwell asked for clarification that he has read recently in the local press that the glass Christmas tree from Peterborough has been donated to Fenland District Council and then allocated to Wisbech Town Council. Councillor Boden responded by saying this matter is not relevant to the Council.

·         Councillor Booth addressed Councillor Hoy with regard to an article in the press with regard to concerns around the Military Covenant and the veterans that live in Fenland. Councillor Hoy stated that she has seen the press article and she has asked officers to provide her further information. Councillor Hoy stated that Fenlands housing stock is managed by external providers, who dictate who housing tenancies, are given to.  She added this is not just a Fenland issue; it is a nationwide concern, where frustrations have been raised with regard to how registered providers are not housing those that we would consider as a priority. Councillor Hoy agreed to review the situation further and provide feedback.


Councillor Count entered the Council Chamber at 16.10pm


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