Agenda item

Progress in Delivering the Environment Corporate Objectives 2019-2020.

This report sets out the Council's progress in delivering the corporate objectives from April 2019 to December 2019.  This is to ensure that members have the most up to date information possible.



Members considered the Progress in Delivering the Environment Corporate Objectives 2019-2020 report.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows;


1.    Councillor Miscandlon asked for further information on the priorities and future initiatives contained within the report. Councillor Tierney explained that there a number of upcoming initiatives including delivery of the Wisbech High Street project, the National Waste and Resources Strategy, implementation of the Council’s new environmental enforcement service and the delivery of the FCSP Action Plan.

2.    Councillor Hay asked if the Council are still on target to maximise the National Lottery Heritage Funding for the 11-12 High Street, Wisbech project. Councillor Seaton confirmed that the project is on target and the developer is fully on board. He confirmed that the fund deadline is January 2021 however if required, the Council may be able to seek a small extension of time.

3.    Councillor Booth referenced page 112 of the report and the assessment that the Council’s street lighting contract is performing ‘exceptionally well’. He asked what consultation had taken place to obtain this feedback. Carol Pilson explained that the service is performing well from a contract management point of view. Councillor Mrs French explained that further information on this would be provided to members at the Full Council meeting on Thursday 20 February 2020.

4.    Councillor Booth stated that it must be clear in reports if statistics are the opinion of officer’s or service users.

5.    Councillor Booth asked that in future, the report contains the service level performance of the street lighting contract and should include feedback from service users.

6.    Councillor Hay asked for an update on the environmental enforcement service in light of the Council’s contract with Kingdom ending. Councillor Murphy explained that the Council are currently considering the options available to them and members will be kept updated.

7.    Councillor Tierney assured members that cover is currently being provided by the Council’s street scene officers alongside their existing work.

8.    Councillor Hay asked for a timescale of the replacement service. Councillor Murphy confirmed that the Council hope to have a new service in place within the next 3-4 months.

9.    Councillor Mason asked what questions will be included as part of the customer satisfaction survey referenced on page 131 of the report. Councillor Tierney confirmed that the survey is available to view on the Council’s website.

10.Councillor Mason asked what the Council’s approach is towards the disposal of food waste. Councillor Murphy confirmed that this information is contained within the survey and literature available on the website too. He added that the disposal of food waste is a priority of central government who are developing a waste and resources strategy. He confirmed that in Fenland, food waste must be placed in the residual bin.

11.Councillor Cornwell stated that he had heard reports that rural littering and graffiti have increased over the winter months. Councillor Murphy confirmed that there had been issues with graffiti in March recently however these had been reported and dealt with. Carol Pilson explained that there had been no reports from the Council’s street cleansing team that rural littering had increased but agreed to look in to this.

12.Councillor Wicks asked if fly tipping has increased in rural areas following the new regulations surrounding recycling centres. Councillor Murphy confirmed that fly tipping had in fact reduced with over 200 less incidents this year.

13.Councillor Miscandlon commended the rapid response team’s work. Councillor Murphy agreed and highlighted the successful prosecutions obtained by the Council in relation to fly tipping.

14.Councillor Miscandlon asked how the Council plan to mitigate the effects of climate issues in Fenland. Councillor Tierney explained that the Council aim to be as clean and green as possible. He confirmed that the Council have recently published their Environmental Statement of Intent and agreed to circulate this to members.

15.Councillor Miscandlon asked for an update on the levels of air pollution in the district’s towns. Councillor Tierney explained that the air pollution is very low in Fenland and every test location was under the national average which is very positive. He agreed to circulate the Council’s Air Quality Annual Status Report to members.

16.Councillor Booth asked if the Council have any plans to expand what is currently being recycled. Councillor Murphy stated that currently residents have a comprehensive range of recycling options available to them and until the Government’s future strategy is clear, the focus remains on capturing the maximum amount via the current systems.

17.Councillor Booth highlighted that the Council’s recycling rate has remained static and asked if the Council could do more to encourage residents to recycle. Councillor Murphy stated that the Council’s blue bin service is well used and work is ongoing in relation to the publicity of this as there have been instances where items have been placed in the blue bin incorrectly.

18.Councillor Cornwell asked what are the issues associated with waste incineration. Councillor Tierney explained that there are a range of issues associated to waste incineration. For one, the waste still goes to landfill and incineration does not support the recycling and reuse of items. He highlighted that the target is to produce zero waste and incineration does produce a level of waste. He explained that to effectively run, the costs associated to incineration is usually higher and therefore this is counter intuitive as recyclable waste is often incinerated. He reiterated that this is not a long term, environmentally friendly solution.


The Overview and Scrutiny Panel considered the progress made by the Council in delivering the corporate objectives in the Business Plan.


(Councillor Skoulding declared an interest by virtue of the fact that he is a committee member of March’s St George’s Fayre and Christmas Fair)


(Councillor Booth declared an interest by virtue of the fact that he is the Chairman of Parish Drove Parish Council’s Street Pride group) 


(Councillor Mrs Bligh declared an interest by virtue of the fact that she is the Chairman of Wisbech St Mary Parish Council’s Street Pride group) 




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