Agenda item

F/YR19/0931/O - Erect up to 9no dwellings (outline application with all matters reserved) - Land South Of 137, Upwell Road, March, Cambridgeshire.

To determine the application.


The Committee had regard to its inspection of the site (as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection: Policy and Procedure (minute P19/04)) during its deliberations.


David Rowen presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation in support of the application, in accordance with the Public Participation Procedure, from Gareth Edwards (Agent).


Gareth Edwards thanked members for the opportunity to speak. He explained that the site extends into two neighbouring gardens and benefits from a number of existing outbuildings. He highlighted that the development will be located behind the adjacent Upwell Park site and therefore be a continuation of the built form of Upwell Road.


Gareth Edwards stated that the site benefits from established boundaries which the applicant was advised would encourage wildlife. Whilst no requests for biodiversity reports have been made, the applicant is happy to comply with this if necessary. He highlighted the support from all statutory consultees as well as March Town Council and neighbouring residents. He stated that the site will appeal to both self-build and small local developers and is very similar to other developments located throughout the district.


Gareth Edwards reiterated the established boundary on the site and reminded members of the existing outbuildings in-situ already. He asked members to approve the application which will provide completed development on a prime route into March.


Members asked Gareth Edwards the following questions;


1.    Councillor Sutton asked if there had been any discussions with owners of the plot immediately adjacent to Upwell Park. Gareth Edwards confirmed there had but the owners were not interested in including their site in this development.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows;


1.    Councillor Murphy agreed with officer’s recommendation to refuse planning permission.

2.    Councillor Hay agreed and highlighted the appeal which was dismissed by the Planning Inspector on another similar site in Upwell Road and added that granting planning permission will set a precedent for others.

3.    Councillor Sutton stated that he regularly drives past the site and has no issue with the visual impact the development may have. He stated that as members have refused a similar scheme in Upwell Road he has reservations about approving this application as the Planning Committee must be consistent in its decision making.

4.    Councillor Benney supported the application and said the application would provide 9 properties for local residents set within a nice development.

5.    Councillor Mrs Mayor asked when the other site in Upwell Road was considered by the Planning Inspector as part of the appeals process. David Rowen confirmed that the appeal took place in October 2019.


Proposed by Councillor Meekins, seconded by Councillor Murphy that the application be refused as per officer’s recommendation.


A vote was taken and the proposal failed.


6.    David Rowen reminded members of an appeal decision at another site located on Upwell Road and stated that members must consider the Planning Inspector’s comments in relation to the prevailing pattern of frontline development and his statement that Upwell Park is an anomaly. He urged members to consider these comments when making their decision. 

7.    Councillor Marks highlighted the existing buildings on this site and asked if there were outbuildings located on the appeal site. David Rowen confirmed there were no outbuildings located on the appeal site. However the application would not be classified as previously developed land.

8.    Councillor Benney highlighted the support received by March Town Council for this application and urged members to consider this.

9.    Councillor Sutton stated that whilst the Inspector’s decision should influence members, this site differs to the appeal site. He added that whilst the Inspector views Upwell Park as an anomaly, it does exist and adds to the built form of Upwell Road. He highlighted that the appeal site is not located within as close proximity to Upwell Park as this proposed development either.

10.Councillor Mrs Mayor highlighted 10.4 of the report and said she supported the application. 


Proposed by Councillor Benney, seconded by Councillor Marks and decided that the application be APPROVED; against officer’s recommendation.


Members approved the application against officer’s recommendation for the following reasons; the development will not be detrimental to the local area and will enhance the town.  


Members agreed to delegate authority to officers to formulate conditions.


Supporting documents: