Agenda item

F/YR19/0822/O - Erect up to 2 x dwellings (2-storey, 3-bed) (outline application with matters committed in respect of appearance and scale) involving the demolition of existing building - Rear Of, 76 High Street, Chatteris, Cambridgeshire.

To determine the application.



The Committee had regard to its inspection of the site (as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection: Policy and Procedure (minute P19/04)) during its deliberations.


Sheila Black presented the report to members and drew their attention to the update report which had been circulated.


Members received a presentation in support of the application, in accordance with the Public Participation Procedure, from Councillor Haggata (Chatteris Town Council).


Councillor Haggata stated that he is attending today’s meeting as Chairman of Chatteris Town Council’s Planning Committee. He stated that he strongly supports the application based on comments received from local residents. Local residents have highlighted that the building has been derelict for a number of years and they are keen to see development due to ongoing issues with anti-social behaviour and vandalism on the site. He read out to members several letters of support from residents and asked that their comments are considered during deliberations.


Members had no questions for Councillor Haggata.


Members received a presentation in objection to the application, in accordance with the Public Participation Procedure, Ian Mason (Chatteris Past, Present and Future).


Ian Mason thanked members for the opportunity to speak and explained that the property dates back to 1757 and is still standing today. He highlighted that previous applications submitted had been for the conversion of the existing building and said it was disappointing that the Planning & Heritage statement submitted neglected to include information about the building’s heritage.


He informed members that the building has had many uses over the years including being used as a Quaker House until the 1920’s. He said based on this, the property should be considered a heritage asset and The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that neglect of an asset should not be a reason for demolition. He highlighted to members that the building is included as part of the ‘Chatteris Town Walking Trail’ which visits historical sites in the town.


Ian Mason informed members that he has significant concerns in relation to a potential burial site within close proximity of the development as there is no documentation that confirms it has ever been relocated. He highlighted that if the application is approved and it is determined that the burial site is still in-situ this will be both detrimental to the development and costly. He asked members to take this into consideration during their decision making.


He concluded by informing members that a visit to Chatteris from Historic England is scheduled to take place in the near future and he had hoped that this building would receive the recognition it deserves as an important heritage building.


Members had no questions for Ian Mason.


Members received a presentation in support of the application, in accordance with the Public Participation Procedure, from David Brooks (Applicant).


David Brooks thanked members for the opportunity to speak and explained that he had lived and worked in Chatteris for 30 years. He stated that he intends to use the proposed dwellings as homes for both himself and his sister, who is a care worker. He said the development will rejuvenate part of the town and will provide sympathetic, energy efficient and sustainable homes.


He explained to members that the site has suffered from anti-social behaviour and vandalism and the proposed works will put a stop to this. He confirmed that he had evidence to show the changes to the building over the years proving that many of the original features have been lost. As a result of this, the property has very little original woodwork or brick remaining.


In relation to the alleged burial site, he understands that there was a burial ground between 1892 -1914 but it is located outside of the site boundary. He confirmed that Chatteris Town Walking Trail references this. He reiterated the support the application has received from residents and asked members to grant planning permission today.


David Brooks showed members a document he had which stated that the property had suffered from severe fire damage in 1878.


Members asked David Brooks the following questions;


1.    Councillor Meekins asked for clarification that the existing burial ground has been built over. David Brooks stated that the burial ground is located under the entrance of the adjacent road.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows;


1.    Councillor Marks asked for confirmation that the building is not a listed building. Officers confirmed this.

2.    Councillor Benney stated that as a local resident he has been aware of this site for a number of years. He reiterated that the building has few original features and has changed over time. He highlighted to members the varying types of brickwork and roofing they witnessed during the site visit. He said the current building is not fit for purpose and as the application is for a sympathetic design it would enhance the town.

3.    Councillor Lynn agreed that during the site visit he saw very little evidence of the original building. In his opinion, even with extensive renovation work, very little of the original building will be salvageable.

4.    Nick Harding stated that whilst members may not agree that the property is a heritage asset, it is included on the town’s historical walking trail and this should be considered. He suggested that if members are minded to grant planning permission, conditions should be added requiring the building to be recorded and preventing the demolition of the building prior to a suitable contract being in place.

5.    Councillor Murphy stated that the address is incorrect as the property is clearly fronting Ash Grove and The Grove, Chatteris.

6.    Councillor Murphy disagreed that the site contributes to the character of the area as it is an eye-sore located in an otherwise presentable street. He explained that a development had taken place recently on the opposite side of the road which had vastly improved the appearance of the locality and this development had had no concerns raised in relation to its heritage or proximity to the town’s conservation area.

7.    Councillor Murphy echoed member’s comments in relation to the fire damage and subsequent repair works to the building and stating that the property is only of single-skin construction which would not be suitable for modern day conversion. He highlighted that the new development would offer off-street parking for two vehicles per dwelling which is rare and sought after in the town-centre location.

8.    Councillor Murphy stated that Chatteris Town Council and CCC have no objections to the application as well as many residents of the town. He stated that whilst he supports protection of heritage sites, he believes applications should be considered on their own merits and he sees no planning reason as to why planning permission should not be granted due to the enhancement the development would bring to the area.

9.    David Rowen reminded members that a previous application had been submitted which proposed the conversion of the existing building. Unfortunately no supporting or structural information has been provided with this application to show that this is no longer a viable option and warrant going against planning policy.

10.Nick Harding requested that if members are minded to approve planning permission delegation is given to officers in regards to the associated conditions relating to materials, archaeological investigation, heritage registration and permitted development rights in line with the NPPF. 

11.Councillor Benney stated that he does not wish limiting conditions to be placed on the application if it is to make the scheme unviable for the applicant and would like officers to consult with members in relation to this.

12.Councillor Murphy agreed with this request.

13.Councillor Hay agreed but highlighted that a condition regarding archaeological investigation is required in light of the potential burial ground.

14.Councillor Mrs Mayor asked if the earlier planning application on the site had conditions imposed regarding archaeological investigations. Nick Harding confirmed that the previous planning application did not include this condition.

15.Councillor Sutton agreed that members should be involved in the decision surrounding attached conditions, if planning permission is approved. 


Proposed by Councillor Murphy, seconded by Councillor Mrs Mayor and decided that the application be APPROVED; against officer’s recommendation.


Members approved the application against officer’s recommendation for the following reasons; the property is not a listed building and development would enhance the area.


It was decided that the conditions imposed on the planning permission be agreed in conjunction with Councillor Connor, Councillor Murphy, Councillor Mrs Mayor and Councillor Benney.


(Councillor Lynn left the meeting at 3.15 PM)


(Councillors Benney, Hay and Murphy declared an interest by virtue of the fact that they are members of Chatteris Town Council but take no part in planning matters)


(Councillor Sutton declared a non-pecuniary interest by virtue of the fact that the agent is his nephew)


Supporting documents: