Agenda item

Erect up to 3 x dwellings (outline application with all matters reserved) and construction of footpath;Land South Of 6, Eastwood End, Wimblington, Cambridgeshire

To Determine the application.


The Committee had regard to its inspection of the site (as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection: Policy and Procedure (minute P19/04)) during its deliberations.


David Rowen presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation in support of the application, in accordance with the public Participation Procedure from Councillor Mrs Maureen Davis, the Chairman of Wimblington Parish Council.


Councillor Mrs Davis advised Members that she is speaking in support of the application and added that the Parish Council supported the application when it had been brought before the Committee previously. She explained that there are a number of residents who were against the removal of the hedge, and also a number who were in favour of a footpath. She added that the tree officer had stated that they would like to see the hedge line retained.


She commented that the residents of Eastwood End do not class themselves as being in a separate settlement and are part of Wimblington.


Councillor Mrs Davis drew members’ attention to the fact the Highways Authority have no objection to the introduction of the footpath as the applicant has dealt with all the issues previously raised, when the application came before committee in 2018.


Members had no questions for Councillor Mrs Davis.


Members received a presentation in support of the application, in accordance with the public Participation Procedure from Mr David Green, a local resident in support of the application.


Mr Green commented that he lives in Hook, which is the other end of Eastwood End and stated that there has never been a connecting footpath to link it to Wimblington. He added that it a safety hazard to walk in the road and a footpath would ensure safety for pedestrians. He stated that if a footpath was introduced he would support the development.


Members had no questions for Mr Green


Members received a presentation in support of the application, in accordance with the public Participation Procedure from Mr Peter Humphreys, the Agent.


Mr Humphreys stated that whilst the technicalities in the officers report are correct, when the application was last before the planning committee it was stated that the application could be approved if certain aspects were resolved.


He added that if the three dwellings are approved then the residents will have the introduction of the footpath.


The Highways Authority is in agreement with the proposal as is the Environment and Wildlife Officer who has stated that as long as there is no harm on the biodiversity he has no objection.


Mr Humphreys added that this scheme provides what both the residents and the Parish Council want and in his opinion the positive aspects of the introduction of the footpath outweigh the negative points and he asked Members to approve the application.


Members had no questions for Mr Humphreys.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows:


·         Councillor Mrs French asked that if the application is approved, will the footpath be to Cambridgeshire County Council standards?

·         Mr Humphrey responded from the audience that he would ensure the footpath would be brought up to an adoptable standard.

·         Councillor Mrs French added that she listened to Councillor Mrs Davis and is also aware that the County Council will only install a footpath under a Local Highway Improvement Bid which would mean a cost implication to the Parish Council and in her opinion the development should be supported. 

·         Councillor Mrs Mayor stated that she was not a member of the planning committee last year when this application had been deferred due to issues surrounding the footpath and now that these issues have been addressed, she cannot understand why officers are recommending refusal.

·         Councillor Sutton expressed the view that in his opinion, the three speakers are correct and the only issue at the time the application had been previously discussed was whether the footpath was deliverable.

·         Councillor Sutton added that the key issue is connectivity for the residents of Eastwood End and whether this benefit of a footpath outweighs all the other concerns. In his opinion he believes that the connectivity is a positive step for residents and it outweighs all the other reasons. Whilst he appreciates the concerns surrounding the removal of the hedge, it can be replaced and he will be supporting this application.

·         Councillor Mrs French stated that if the application is approved then the fabric of the footpath must be of an adoptable standard and in place before any dwellings are occupied.

·         Councillor Hay agreed with Councillor Mrs French but added that she would like to see the path in place before the development commences. She expressed the view that there is a Local Plan in place for a reason and this application goes against policy LP3 and LP12 of the local plan and there must be consistency when determining applications and for that reason she will be following the officer’s recommendation.

·         Councillor Sutton stated that he will only support the application with the caveat added that the pavement must be in place before any development takes place.

·         David Rowen clarified that if members are minded to go against the officer’s recommendation and approve the application, a condition to show that the footpath is delivered at an early stage and before the development takes place is a sensible way to proceed.


Proposed by Councillor Mrs French, seconded by Councillor Lynn and decided that the application be APPROVED against officers recommendation, with officer’s being given delegated powers to apply appropriate conditions.


(Councillors Connor and Murphy registered in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Code of Conduct on planning matters that they had been lobbied on this item)




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