Agenda item

To receive reports from and ask questions of Cabinet members with portfolio holder responsibilities, in accordance with Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2.


Standing orders were suspended to allow for full discussion on this item.


Members asked questions of Portfolio Holders in accordance with Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2 as follows:


·         Councillor Mrs French asked when will the replacement of March Skate Park happen making the point that she would like to see it sooner rather than later?  Councillor Murphy responded that matched funding has not yet been secured.  WREN who the Council used to obtain funding from no longer recognises Wisbech and March as it is outside its area.  It is hoped that there will still be consultation in the late Summer with works to start in 2019;


·         Councillor Mrs French asked for the timeframe for the car parks to be resurfaced?  Councillor Mason stated that he will respond to her after the meeting;


·         Councillor Butcher referred to the e-mail received about the Business Awards.  He made the point that the Council made a decision a few years ago as part of Comprehensive Spending Review to withdraw from these Awards and asked who has made the decision to financially support them again?  Councillor Mason responded that it was his suggestion to the Leader and Chief Executive as it presented an opportunity to engage and support local businesses after two years of inactivity.  He referred to the support given to a similar event, Pride of Fenland Awards.  Councillor Butcher recognised the reasons for the decision as business is important to the Council, but, in his view, this is an open Council and it should have been a discussion with Members.  Councillor Mason expressed the opinion that £1,200 is a small amount of money and he felt the Awards should be supported;


·         Councillor Mrs Bligh asked in reference to savings why Members are still receiving paper payslips?  Councillor Mrs Hay responded that the payroll service is administered by Bedford Borough Council and she will speak to officers about Members receiving electronic payslips and report back;


·         Councillor Sutton stated that he had e-mailed Councillor Mason raising his objection to the financial support to the Business Awards as he feels that it has existed and worked perfectly well without any input from the Council.  He made the point that when he goes to officers or the Portfolio Holder for something in his villages he is being told there is no money and he feels it is outrageous that the Portfolio Holder, Leader and officers have given approval for this;


·         Councillor Sutton referred to the microphone situation.  He had brought some leaflets back from the LGA and given them to the Chief Executive stating that the microphone situation needed resolving.  It is now 12 months later and, in his view, it took the diabolical situation of the September meeting with the Chairman speaking and the microphones whistling away for officers to recognise the problem.  The Council has hired in a system for the last few Council meetings and is using an archaic system that is not fit for purpose for other meetings.  He asked how much the hired-in system costs per meeting and when is the microphones issue going to be resolved?  Councillor Seaton stated that he would provide an answer following the meeting;


·         Councillor Tierney referred to street drinking in Wisbech, with the Police undertaking a recent drive, but he is still seeing street drinking in areas where a DPPO exists, asking how the Council can undertake more enforcement?  Councillor Oliver stated that he would report back as it may be that patrol timings need adjusting and whilst CCTV can pick up instances the person has moved on when officers get there.  Councillor Tierney expressed the view that, whilst the new system is working as it has cut instances, he wants to work with Cabinet as the issue has moved onto Church Terrace.  Councillor Oliver stated that he had noticed this during the Rose Fair and he will liaise with officers to find a solution;


·         Councillor Booth asked what funding has been set aside for maintenance and improvements to play areas across the District for 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20?  Councillor Murphy responded that £20,235 for 2017/18 and £29,500 for 2018/19 and the same the following year.  This funding is to be used to repair any play equipment reported to the Council or identified during safety inspections.  Councillor Booth expressed the view that last year he was told there was no funding available for play equipment in the villages, although Wisbech Skate Park obtained funding, and asked how can it be assured that there is a level playing field and everyone gets funding?  It shouldn’t be forgotten that we need to look after our villages as well as towns.  Councillor Murphy stated that money is obtained from Section 106 Agreements or external funding, with funding for Bath Road Skate Park coming from Clarion, this Council through Section 106 Agreement money and Wisbech Town Council.  Councillor Booth asked that other areas of the district are not forgotten.  Councillor Murphy assured him that no parts of the district are forgotten;


·         Councillor Tibbs stated that he had the update from officers, but asked if there was any further update on Wisbech Vehicle Exchange?  Councillor Oliver stated that he cannot expand any further than what is contained in officer’s e-mail to Members, there is another party involved and we have to wait until this is resolved;


·         Councillor Mrs French referring again to the Business Awards asked for assurances that the money goes to the Cambs Times for its expenses and not towards Members to attend.  Councillor Mason stated that this was his intention;


·         Councillor Booth referring again to street drinking in Wisbech stated that it would be useful to know how many people are removed so Members can see how effective it is.  Councillor Oliver responded that he would provide this information to him;


·         Councillor Booth referred to the Portfolio Holder reports in relation to Street Pride and that there is no mention of the Murrow group.  He feels that reports are being prepared too much in advance and Members are not receiving up-to-date information.  In his view, Members need at least the previous month before Council as they are currently looking at information that is two months old.  Councillor Murphy stated that all information within the reports has to be collated and this takes time to do.  Councillor Booth responded that, in his view, information up to previous month could be included.  Councillor Murphy stated that information does come out in the form of press releases.  Councillor Booth responded that a press release does not constitute a formal report to Council;


·         Councillor Booth asked for an update on grass cutting.  Councillor Murphy informed Members that he has met with the company, they have had a bad start and are catching up fast, especially as the grass is now not growing as fast.  The company is being fined each month and the Council is not paying them as per their contract.  They have been told if they undertake their duties correctly, they will get paid for it.  Councillor Booth expressed the view that this is reassuring;


·         Councillor Booth referred to the business support events mentioned in the Portfolio Holder reports and asked how cost effective these events are, a question which he had asked at Overview and Scrutiny Panel?  Councillor Mason promised to supply him with the information as soon as possible.

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