Agenda item

To receive reports from and ask questions of Cabinet members with portfolio holder responsibilities, in accordance with Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2.


Members asked questions of Portfolio Holders in accordance with Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2 as follows;


1.    Councillor Booth asked, on behalf of Councillor Sutton, for an update on 11-12 High Street, Wisbech. Councillor Boden confirmed that an update had been circulated to members earlier today. He confirmed that as the Council are now the owners of the site, they have financial responsibility for the works being undertaken.

2.    Councillor Booth asked Councillor S Clark for an update on the audit of the Freedom Leisure contract. Councillor S Clark agreed to provide Councillor Booth with this information after the meeting.

3.    Councillor Mrs Bligh stated that following her suggestion at the last meeting of Council regarding the dog fouling prevention stencils, she had engaged with Councillor Murphy and thanked him for his support on this project. She explained that hopefully with the support of the Highways Authority the project can move forward.

4.    Councillor Tanfield asked Councillor Mrs French for an update on the civil parking enforcement motion considered at the last meeting of Council. Councillor Mrs French explained that the report is imminent and will be presented to members in the coming months.

5.    Councillor Tanfield asked Councillor S Clark for further information on the leisure statistics provided in relation to Freedom Leisure (page 39 of the Agenda Pack). Councillor S Clark agreed to provide Councillor Tanfield with this information after the meeting.

6.    Councillor Tanfield asked Councillor S Clark for clarification on the Freedom Leisure ‘family’ average score reported on page 41 of the Agenda Pack and further information on the performance measures in place for Freedom Leisure. Councillor S Clark agreed to provide Councillor Tanfield with this information after the meeting.

7.    Councillor Booth asked Councillor Mrs French how the Council can be assured that they are receiving the best deal in relation to the new street light energy provider (page 59 of the Agenda Pack). Councillor Mrs French agreed to provide Councillor Booth with this information after the meeting.

8.    Councillor Booth asked Councillor Benney if statistics could be provided in relation to how many new businesses are starting up in Fenland as oppose to just the number of enquiries the Council have dealt with. Whilst he knows the result of enquiries can take a long time to deliver, these figures would be useful. Councillor Benney agreed to provide Councillor Booth with this information after the meeting.

9.    Councillor Booth explained that at the recent Overview & Scrutiny Panel meeting, members had requested that certain performance metrics were removed from Portfolio Holder Update reports and said he was disappointed that these figures are still being reported. Councillor Boden confirmed that future reports would not include these performance metrics.

10.Councillor Tanfield said she was pleased to see the work undertaken as part of the Youth Advisory Groups project (page 35 of the Agenda Pack). She asked if any of the funding allocated to the previous Youth District Council were still available. Councillor Seaton thanked Councillor Tanfield and said these funds had been allocated to other areas however the project has multiple funding streams available.



(Councillor Booth declared a personal interest by virtue of the fact that he is a committee member of the Parson Drove Car Show- page 67 of the agenda pack)

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