Agenda item

To receive questions from, and provide answers to, councillors in relation to matters which, in the opinion of the Chairman, accord with the provisions of Procedure Rules 8.4 and 8.6.


Councillor Mrs Mayor stated that we had not received any questions submitted under Procedure Rule 8.6 and asked if there were any questions under Procedure Rule 8.4 from Councillor Booth and Councillor Mrs Bucknor.


Councillor Mrs Bucknor asked the Leader for an update on the Wisbech Vehicle Exchange site.  She informed Members that she had sent numerous emails asking for an update but is yet to receive a response and whilst she is aware of the challenges the Council face in getting information from The Crown Estate, she needs to provide an update to members of the public that have raised concerns.  Following a fire in December 2017, the Council fenced the site off due to the dangers it posed however she has received no further information since.  Councillor Mrs Bucknor said that Councillor Oliver had informed her in February that the Council were discussing the site with The Crown Estate and following this, a meeting was due to take place with officers to discuss the site on the 23rd April 2018.  She is yet to hear the results of this meeting and asked the Leader what the outcome was.  Councillor Seaton said that whilst it is an extremely frustrating situation, the Council have approached The Crown Estate who have not been forthcoming in releasing information and there is no further update.  He added that the Council are only bound to rectify any issues on the site if there is a major safety issue.  He explained that the issue is that The Crown Estate will not inform the Council if there are any charges on the site which makes a compulsory purchase not a viable option for the Council.  He added that The Crown Estate will not take any action themselves as this would make them liable for future responsibility of the management of the site.  He reiterated that he and officers are frustrated with the situation and whilst a meeting has recently taken place, no further information had been received from The Crown Estate.  Whilst he realises this does not help Councillor Mrs Bucknor update members of the public, there is nothing more than can be done.  Councillor Mrs Bucknor asked the outcome of the meeting on 23rd April.  Councillor Seaton confirmed he would provide Councillor Mrs Bucknor with a written statement regarding the matter.


Councillor Booth stated the Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) has announced to undertake a review of Local Government within the County and asked the Leader to confirm how Fenland District Council will be involved in this review and what steps will be taken to assist in this process.  Councillor Seaton thanked Councillor Booth for his question and made the following statement; ’In relation to the Mayor’s commitment to Public Services Reform and as part of this the opportunity to review how Local Government services might be more cost-effectively delivered in the future, it is accurate to say that the work of the Mayor and CPCA is still at a relatively early stage.  As I am aware an Independent Commission is being appointed to support this work.  As a constituent member of the CPCA with full voting rights, Fenland District Council will have a leading role to play in shaping the future of this review and any outcomes associated with it.  Furthermore, I will be making a strong representation to the Mayor and my fellow Leaders that all Councillors are fully engaged in the process.  The basis of this engagement is yet to be determined by the CPCA but I will ensure all Fenland District Council Members are kept updated as and when further information becomes available’.  Councillor Booth thanked Councillor Seaton for his response and stated that adding additional tiers to local government has a cost however is beneficial as it helps local taxpayers.


Councillor Booth asked the Leader to confirm if Fenland District Council sent a representative to the A47 Alliance meeting on Friday 11 May as reported in the press, where the ’Just Dual It!’ campaign was launched.  Councillor Seaton provided the following response; ’In relation to the A47 Alliance meeting held on Friday 11 May, I can confirm that on this occasion, Fenland District Council was not represented at the meeting.  However, in view of this and due to the significant importance of the A47 to Fenland and the launch of the ’Just Dual It!’ campaign, both the Chief Executive and I met with the Mayor on Tuesday to receive a full briefing of the meeting and to reinforce Fenland District Council’s commitment to the campaign and A47 Alliance.  To build further member and officer resilience around attending future A47 Alliance meetings, both the Chief Executive and I will be taking a more active interest in supporting these meetings.’  Councillor Booth thanked Councillor Seaton for his response and said it was disappointing that Fenland District Council were not in attendance as the Council need to support the campaign.


Councillor Booth stated that it had recently been announced that the government would pledge £2.5bn of foreign investment into the Garden Town Project and asked the Leader to confirm the Council’s involvement in this. Councillor Seaton explained that both he and the Mayor of CPCA had been unaware of the announcement until late last night but thought that it was good news and promised to provide further information to Members once he has it. Councillor Booth said it was disappointing that neither the Leader nor Mayor had been made aware of the news prior to it being announced by the government and stated that more work needs to be carried out in order to engage the public in this project.  He raised concerns about the proposed works being carried out and the effects this could have on the residents of Wisbech and the infrastructure currently in place.  Councillor Seaton agreed that the Garden Town Project and improvements to transport and infrastructure in Wisbech are all linked and whilst it will be a long process, it is good news for Wisbech.


Councillor Booth asked if the Council could review the Constitution in relation to public engagement and the timescales surrounding this.  Councillor Seaton said he would provide Councillor Booth with a response at a later date.