Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Wednesday, 22nd September, 2021 1.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Fenland Hall, County Road, March, PE15 8NQ

Contact: Jo Goodrum  Member Services and Governance Officer

No. Item


Previous Minutes pdf icon PDF 508 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes from the previous meetings of 28 July 2021, 11 August 2021 and 18 August 2021.


The minutes of the meetings of the 28 July, 11 August and 18 August 2021 were confirmed and signed as accurate records.


Land North And West Of 47, Fridaybridge Road, Elm
Conversion of existing barns to 1 x 4-bed and 1 x 5-bed two storey dwellings and erection of 8 x dwellings with garaging (6 x 2-storey 4-bed and 2 x 2-storey 5-bed) and associated works including demolition of existing dwelling pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To determine the application.

Additional documents:


Alison Hoffman presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Jamie Burton, the agent.


Mr Burton explained that the proposal is a full application, which has an officer recommendation for approval and since the original submission he has worked very closely with Planning and Conservation Officers through numerous iterations to overcome their concerns and ensure that the proposal complies with all policy requirements and achieves officer support. He added that the amendments have also been developed to address and respond to concerns raised by residents and the Parish Council and the concerns primarily relate to amount of development, highways implications and drainage.


Mr Burton stated that the scheme has evolved significantly in response and has reduced in number from 13 to 10 dwellings, 1 of which is a replacement, including retention of the existing barns for conversion, the closing off all 3 access points on to Wales Bank one of which is directly on the junction and a single access point on to Fridaybridge Road, and the provision of a drainage scheme which has been accepted by the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA). He added that the officer’s report comprehensively details the evolution of the scheme and their response to concerns raised to ensure the proposal is acceptable and can be supported and the intention of the application is to be able to deliver a high-quality development in the desirable village of Elm, which is a Growth Village in which small village extensions are appropriate.


Mr Burton explained that the site is not located within the Elm Conservation Area, neither is it close to any Listed buildings, however, the scheme has been amended in consultation with the Conservation Officer noting the non-designated heritage assets on the site. He stated that the site is located within Flood Zone 1 and is within the built-up area of the village with houses to the north, south, west and east and, in his view, the proposal fully complies with LP3 and LP12 as it would not result in coalescence with any neighbouring villages, not adversely impact the character and appearance of adjacent countryside, would not extend the existing linear features, would not result in a loss of important open space or agricultural land,  and it can be adequately drained as confirmed by the drainage strategy and LLFA and will not put people or property in danger.


Mr Burton pointed out that the impact of the development upon existing trees and biodiversity is assessed in detail with the application and the impacts and mitigation proposed are acceptable as confirmed by the technical consultees and the site, therefore, meets all the criteria set out in LP3 and Part A of Policy LP12. He explained that the revised layout demonstrates an effective use of land, one which is appropriate for its surroundings, and the density of the scheme is in keeping with the existing residential development along Fridaybridge Road and Wales Bank, with the layout also retaining a  ...  view the full minutes text for item P46/21


Land East Of 60, Station Road, Manea
Erect 2 x dwellings (2-storey, 2-bed) and formation of access to 60 Station Road pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To determine the application.


Alison Hoffman presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Ian Gowler, the agent.


Mr Gowler stated that theapplication isfor 2semi-detached,2 beddwellings and explained that, if permission is granted, the dwellings would be constructed for the applicant’s two daughters and althoughthis is nota materialplanning considerationthe applicant is lookingfor somewhereto builda pairof self-buildproperties withinManea. He explained that the site is in Flood Zone 3 and the officer’s report mentions that the site does not pass thesequential test becauseof other similar landbeing availablein alower flood zone.


Mr Gowler stated that currentlythe onlyland withpermission availablefor purchaseis underpermission F/YR19/0970/O and it is being marketed at £200,000 and is also unfortunately susceptible tocontamination due to its previous use. He added that this gives the plot value of £66k per plot with a build costof£120k and would meanthe valuewould needto exceed£186k excluding the contamination     workwhen complete and he stated that a2-bedproperty inManea islikely onlyto beworth £175k and, therefore, in his opinionthis siteis overpricedand inreality, not available,or viable.


Mr Gowler explained that theother sitementioned inthe reportis notbeing marketedand, therefore,not available and that it is proposed that the new properties will have significant rear gardens that can be used tosustainably disposeof the drainagefrom thedevelopment, with these dwellings,albeit behindexisting properties,not havinga significant impact on thestreetsceneof Station Roadany morethan thelarge 3storey propertiesopposite. He stated that properties 58 and 60 are modest single storey bungalows, but all the other nearby properties surrounding the site onStation Roadaretwostorey houses and, therefore,the chaletstyle bungalows are inkeeping withthe twostyles.


Mr Gowler explained that whilst there are currently no ‘backland’ dwellings in this area there are other buildingsextending outthe rear,including thelarge agriculturalbuildings tothe north, and stated that the site is located within walking distance of the local facilities of Manea and close to thedeveloping train station, which adds to the current sustainability aims of Local and NationalPlanning Policyto encourageless carusage. He concluded by stating that the two dwellings will create two small and affordable self-build dwellings in a     sustainablelocation and hoped the Committee arein favourof theproposal.


Members asked Mr Gowler the following questions:

·         Councillor Mrs French stated that she is concerned over the possibility of flooding and asked Mr Gowler how he intends to overcome the issue? Mr Gowler stated that the whole area is at risk of flooding and added that the gardens are very large and there would be enough space to install soakaways  ...  view the full minutes text for item P47/21


Land North Of 15, Sandbank, Wisbech St Mary
Erect 1no dwelling (outline application with all matters reserved) pdf icon PDF 475 KB

To determine the application


Alison Hoffman presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Jamie Burton, the agent.


Mr Burton explained that the application is before the committee because of the amount of support both locally and from the Parish Council, with 8 of the 9 letters of support being from residents or landowners in Sandbank. He explained that the proposal is an outline application with all matters reserved to allow full details of the design, layout, and access to be considered upon submission of the reserved matters application, with the site itself not being agricultural but paddock land.


Mr Burton stated that the indicative site layout plan demonstrates that the proposal can deliver a high-quality development that follows the existing built form and will accord with the development pattern of Sandbank, with the intention of this application being able to deliver a high-quality self-build plot in a growth village in which small village extensions are appropriate, and added that it should be noted that early communications with officer’s during the application process indicated that the application was likely to be supported. He stated that some amendments to the scheme were incorporated working with the officers, and these amendments included reducing the width of the proposed plot to ensure it lines up with the extent of residential development opposite thereby ensuring the proposal does not result in linear ribbon development and reinforcing that the proposal respects the 9m easement of the IDB culverted drain that runs along the boundary.


Mr Burton explained that the access location was altered to improve the relationship with the transformer poles and the proposal extends the footpath network to meet the proposed access point ensuring that the occupiers would have safe pedestrian access to the facilities of Wisbech St Mary and the nearby bus stops. He expressed the view that the access achieves adequate visibility and has no objections from highways and stated that if members were minded to approve the application, the applicant is willing to accept a condition to relocate the transformer in liaison with UK Power Networks if deemed necessary.


Mr Burton stated that the Parish Council are also bidding as part of a highway improvement scheme to extend the 30mph limit along Sandbank as there are a number of properties beyond the proposed site, with many residents walking along the road into the village and, in his view, this proposal may assist in reinforcing their bid. He stated that the scheme has no objections from technical consultees or local people and has numerous letters of support and the support of the Parish Council and local Councillors.


Mr Burton explained that he has worked proactively with officers throughout the process and has noted the reasons for refusal, but with regards to flood risk the Environment Agency have no objection to the proposal and drainage is intended to connect to the sewer with rainwater into the water course, which is acceptable to the Internal Drainage Board subject to  ...  view the full minutes text for item P48/21


Land East Of St Marys Church Hall, Wisbech Road, Westry
Erect 6 dwellings (4 x 2-storey 2-bed and 2 x 2-storey 3-bed) and associated works pdf icon PDF 5 MB

To determine the application.


This item was withdrawn from the agenda.


Land East Of Station Farm, Fodder Fen Road, Manea
Erect up to 5 dwellings (outline application with matters committed in respect of access) pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To determine the application.

Additional documents:


David Rowen presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Shanna Jackson, the agent.


Mrs Jackson stated that this is an outline application for up to 5 dwellings with all matters are reserved expect for access and, whilst the application has been recommended for refusal, it is before the committee as it has received a number of letters of support from the local community. She expressed the view that the primary concern appears to be the locational aspect of the proposal as it has been considered that the site lies outside of the main settlement of Manea, however, as members will have seen from the presentation and site visit, the site is no further out of Manea than the existing dwelling and buildings at the pet care centre over the road and it is within the village sign.


Mrs Jackson expressed the view that the proposal will not encroach any further into the countryside than the exiting development and it is wholly reasonable to consider that the site is within the village. She expressed the opinion that it is further argued within the report that future residents are likely to depend on private modes of transport given the lack of footpath to the front of the site, however, it is widely accepted that Fenland is a rural District and a commuter District, therefore, the reliance on private cars is inevitable, as it is with nearly any new development within the district.


Mrs Jackson added that the benefit that this site has is that it is close to the railway station, whose car park is currently being developed and the site, therefore, has great sustainable transport links, much better than a lot of other areas within the District. She stated that concerns have been raised with regards to the noise from the railway and that it could cause harm to future residential amenities, but the dwellings can be constructed using noise mitigation measures such as triple glazing and use acoustic fencing and these noise concerns can be overcome.


Mrs Jackson expressed the view that the noise mitigation measures can be secured via a planning condition which would be duly accepted, and she added that, in any case, there are other dwellings in the area to the south of the site and at Charlemont Drive which are closer to the railway line than the application site. She questioned that if these properties were allowed in such  close proximity to the railway, why it is different for this application?


Mrs Jackson stated that a further objection relates to the site being located within Flood Zone 3 and stated that members will note from the Committee report that the Environment Agency has no objection to the development and that the Flood Risk Assessment demonstrates that the scheme can be made technically safe from flooding.  She stated that the final reason for refusal relates to the lack of a habitat survey to establish the ecological potential  ...  view the full minutes text for item P50/21


42 Tavistock Road, Wisbech
Erect 4 x 3-bed 2-storey dwellings; 1.8 metre high timber fence and parking for No. 42 involving demolition of existing double garage including formation of a new vehicular access pdf icon PDF 583 KB

To determine the application.


David Rowen presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Shanna Jackson, the agent.


Mrs Jackson stated that the application is for the construction of 4 dwellings on land to the rear of 42 Tavistock Road, Wisbech, with the dwellings taking the form of 2 pairs of semi-detached houses, positioned in the extended rear garden area serving the existing property and the site represents a great opportunity to provide 4 affordable family homes within Wisbech Town centre.  She stated that the site is in a prime location which is within walking distance to education, retail, employment, and health services in the town, which she feels is a rarity, and each plot will be provided with a generous rear garden and two parking spaces, with a large garden and sufficient parking also remaining to serve the host dwelling at number 42.


Mrs Jackson explained that concerns have been raised in the committee report that the proposal would be out of keeping with the character of the area, however, from the submitted site plan the scale and layout of each plot is entirely commensurate with the existing development to the south along Colvile Road. She added that, in addition, she would argue that the glimpses of the dwellings you would see from the Tavistock Road frontage would not be harmful, instead they would appear very typical of a town centre location such as this.


Mrs Jackson pointed out that concerns have also been raised with regards to there being an overbearing impact as a result of the proximity of the dwellings to the south western boundary, however, the rear garden areas serving the properties along Colvile Road and Trafford Park are approximately 20m and 10m long respectively and are separated by fencing and landscaping and the length of these gardens and the fact that the roofs of the dwellings will be fully hipped provides a significant amount of visual relief from the rear aspect of the neighbouring houses. She expressed the view that the situation is no worse than that at the Trafford Road/Colvile Road junction located to the south east of the site.


Mrs Jackson stated that the application is supported by Wisbech Town Council and no objections have been received from County Highways or FDC Environmental Protection Team. She added that there have also been no objections to the principle of the development or to the design or general appearance of the proposed dwellings.


Mrs Jackson expressed the opinion that the proposal represents a rare opportunity to provide 4 new family homes within Wisbech Town Centre where there are significant sustainability benefits, and she asked the committee to agree and approve the application accordingly.


Members asked questions, made comments, and received responses as follows:

·         Councillor Skoulding stated that he agrees with the officer’s recommendation.

·         Councillor Mrs French stated that she also agrees with Councillor Skoulding and added that, in her view, she believes that the application is over development.  She made  ...  view the full minutes text for item P51/21


Land South East Of Orchard Lodge, Jobs Lane, March
Modification of Planning Obligation attached to planning permission F/YR15/0290/F (entered into on 27/09/2016) to allow Accent Housing to charge the dwelling for market value subject to tenancies as opposed to existing use value and remove the requirement to enter into a nomination agreement in relation to occupation of the unit

pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To determine the application.


David Rowen presented the report to members.


Proposed by Councillor Skoulding, seconded by Councillor Mrs French and agreed that the amendments to the legal agreement be APPROVED as per the officer’s recommendation.


(Councillor Purser declared that he had a close relative who resides in the vicinity of the application site and left the meeting for the duration of the discussion and voting thereon)