Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Panel - Monday, 15th January, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Fenland Hall, County Road, March PE15 8NQ

Contact: Helen Moore  Member Services and Governance Officer

No. Item


Appointment of Chairman for the Meeting


In the absence of both the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel, it was proposed by Councillor Gowler, seconded by Councillor Barber and agreed that Councillor Hay be appointed as Chairman for the duration of this meeting.



Previous Minutes pdf icon PDF 207 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting of 28 November 2023.


The minutes of the meeting of 28 November 2023 were confirmed and signed.


Revised General Fund Budget and Capital Programme 2023/24 to 2028/29; Capital Programme 2024-2027 pdf icon PDF 574 KB

To consider and make any appropriate recommendations to Cabinet on the Draft Medium Term Financial Strategy, Draft General Fund Budget 2024/25 and Draft Capital Programme 2024-2027 for consultation.



Members consider the Budget report presented by Councillor Chris Boden


Councillor Boden paid tribute to the work undertaken by Mark Saunders stating his expertise and knowledge is second to none.


Members made comments, asked questions, and received responses as follows:


·         Councillor Booth stated that there has been discussions over numerous years about how the budget should be set, but what appears to be different this year from the report is the amount of loans the Council is going to have to take out for the capital programme in the future, with the total estimated stated as being around £30 million. He noted in the report it said for every one million pounds borrowed this is going to have £100,000 cost, with 5% of that due to interest and the other 5% is the capital repayment of those loans, with that in itself explaining where a lot of the deficit is going to arise in future years and in the medium term the Council is going to have to be paying off substantial loans over 20 years alongside some of the outstanding loans the Council already has which run over 30 years. Councillor Booth expressed concern that this appears to be different to what has been presented in previous years but there has not been such a massive capital programme presented to the Panel, although Councillor Boden has spoken today around what happens with the budget the Council appears to be heading towards quite high loan repayments that are going to need to be made to carry on with the capital investments. He stated supplementary to this is something that needs to be seriously considered if the Council continue with this, for example in fees and charges the report talks about the Wisbech Port, there was a Working Task Group which looked into that, the issue with Wisbech Port is the income pays for the services but it does not pay for the capital investment that is required, there is a figure quoted in the report of £50 million pounds, the question asked by the Work and Task Group was whether the Council should continue with the Port and the Council needs to look at the services provided and as to whether the Port is sustainable in the long term. Councillor Boden responded that he agrees the Council does need to look very carefully at the capital programme, and what there is presented will have some amendments made for various reasons especially around what has been mentioned, with the overwhelming majority of District Councils across the country financing their capital expenditure partially through disposals of assets but primarily through borrowing which is the usual way an authority works. He made the point that Fenland District Council has been in an exceptional position for a number of years but the Council will be coming out of this position in the same regime as the vast majority of other District Councils, not this year but certainly next year. In reference to the change  ...  view the full minutes text for item OSC29/23


Draft Business Plan 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 666 KB

For Overview and Scrutiny to comment on the Draft Business Plan 2024-2025.


Members considered the Draft Business Plan 2024/25 report presented by Councillor Boden.


Members made comments, asked questions, and received responses as follows:


·         Councillor Hay stated looking at performance measures and where it says create healthy communication through activities delivered via Active Fenland, this is measured by the number of sessions delivered per year surely this should include the number of people who attend sessions because there could be 50 sessions and only 2 people attending. Councillor Boden responded this is a point very well made, but it would be unadvisable to keep changing the KPI’s as this makes comparison difficult, having said that officers will be looking into this to give consideration as to whether a change should be made because this needs to be about people and not activity. He made the point that councils are getting to a stage now where forward looking enterprises elsewhere in the Country are now moving away from KPI’s and progressing forwards, KPI’s are also becoming out of date for how data is recorded and reported on the activity that is offered and the success of that activity, this is a subject that will be brought before the Audit and Risk Management Committee at some point this year.

·         Councillor Tierney stated he would like to ask the panel for feedback on the document and the ease of understanding so improvements can be made in the future. Councillor Hay encouraged the panel to privately email Councillor Tierney with their feedback.


Members noted the draft Business Plan 2024/25.


Review of Fees & Charges 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 954 KB

To review the Council’s Fees and Charges for 2024/25.


Members considered the review of Fees and Charges 2024/25 report presented by Councillor Boden.


Members made comments, asked questions, and received responses as follows:


·         Councillor Hay asked if there has been any benchmarking with other Ports to make sure the Council is not pricing itself out of the market or is the Council still one of the cheapest? She made the point that Sutton Bridge is seeing a significant downturn in traffic and what is being done to market the Port as a suitable import/export terminal, what is Fenland Districts Council’s involvement with the Port, will there be any losses and concerning the managing of moorings who will be responsible for any losses if any on that. Councillor Boden responded to the best of his knowledge there has been no benchmarking undertaken because the Council is meant to recover any costs as part of the authority, and is not meant to be seeking to act in competition against other local authorities who have got these responsibilities, with the Council’s general fund available to subsidise these charges. He added that legally the Council must ensure that the charges made are sufficient to ensure that the general fund is not being used to create a subsidy and as far as Sutton Bridge is concerned this is not the Councils responsibility as the Council does not own it or operate it the Councils major connection is the Harbour Authority and the statutory authority for that purpose, Lincolnshire County Council would be responsible for any marketing to do with Sutton Bridge Port Ltd or any other bodies involved. Councillor Boden stated that Lincolnshire Council pay Fenland District Council a management fee. Councillor Hay asked does the Council make money from Sutton Bridge? Councillor Boden replied it depends on the costs that are incurring in fulfilling that cost of service.

·         Councillor Hay stated she would like to know about the occupancy rates at the mini factories and South Fens Business Centre together with the Boat House as it is understood that South Fens historically and currently still has problems with low occupancy. She asked if any thought been given to a rent free period or for new occupancies to be given a period of 3-6 months at a discounted rate to encourage uptake in these centres? Councillor Boden responded as members will have seen it is being suggested that for the Business Centres and units that things should not change with what is currently being proposed as being the minimum and maximum rates to be charged right across Fenland. He stated that the problem is these are all in different locations with different expectations, different pressures,  different cost, opportunities and demand which means the Council needs to be more responsive to the demands which exist or do not exists where there is persistent under occupancy and South Fens as pointed out being one of them to be aware of to give incentive to individuals to move in whatever those incentives maybe, it maybe to have  ...  view the full minutes text for item OSC31/23


Update on Previous Actions pdf icon PDF 145 KB

Members to receive an update on the previous meeting’s Action Plan.


Members considered the updates on previous actions.


Amy Brown stated Anglian Water have been written to for the outstanding information asked which has not been received yet and this will continue to be chased.


Future Work Programme pdf icon PDF 274 KB

To consider the draft Work Programme for the Overview & Scrutiny Panel for 2024/25.


Members considered and noted the Future Work Programme.