Issue - meetings

Council Tax Support Scheme

Meeting: 02/09/2019 - Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Item 15)

15 Council Tax Support - 2020/21 scheme. pdf icon PDF 145 KB

Each year the Council is required to review its Council Tax Support (CTS) Scheme. This report advises Overview and Scrutiny of the progress of the 2019 annual review and the resultant proposals for consultation for changes to the CTS scheme to take effect from April 2020.



The meeting reconvened at 4.40pm


Members considered the Council Tax Support – 2020/21 scheme report, presented by Councillor Boden.


Councillor Boden offered an apology to members of the Overview & Scrutiny Panel for his absence at the previous meeting where this item was due to be considered.


Councillor Miscandlon thanked Councillor Boden for his apology.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows;


1.    Councillor Hay asked if the Council had approached Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) again as per point 4.5 of the report (page 52 of the agenda pack). Councillor Mrs French explained that she believed CCC would not be contributing as no business case had been presented to them. She confirmed that she had raised this with the Leader of CCC and discussions were ongoing.

2.    Councillor Boden confirmed that CCC are willing to consider this, if a suitable business case is presented to them on this and other elements of the Council Tax system. However, he added that this would not happen this financial year.

3.    Councillor Cornwell agreed and asked that members support the undertaking of a detailed business case modelling of a future scheme. He explained that there would be no detrimental effect to residents this financial year and a business case detailing improvements that could be made to the Council Tax System, will be considered the following year.

4.    Councillor Boden asked members of the Overview & Scrutiny Panel to support the recommendation to introduce a fluctuating earnings rule to the treatment of Universal Credit (UC) as variable incomes can cause unfortunate consequences to those affected individuals as they receive repetitive and revised estimates and demands.

5.    Councillor Wicks asked if claimants ‘pay rotas’ will be considered. Councillor Boden confirmed that this is covered by legislation. He stated that whilst legally there are provisions, putting them into practice can be difficult. He explained that the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) are currently trialling the practical application of moving existing claimants on to UC and are looking to move all existing claimants on to UC by 2024.

6.    Councillor Hay raised concern from an equalities perspective about the treatment of a new UC claimant and an existing claimant with a change in circumstances, as different assessments are carried out and could result in different claim amount. Councillor Boden assured members that this cannot be challenged from an equality perspective as the administration of UC is being carried out as per legislation.

7.    Councillor Mason asked if consideration should be given to a tolerance level of £20 following the rise of the National Wage. Councillor Boden explained that it is a balancing act between incentivising people and unreasonable variations. Peter Catchpole explained that this has been considered and both ARP and other Local Authorities have decided that £15 is an appropriate tolerance level of fluctuation in earnings.

8.    Mark Saunders confirmed that a tolerance of £15 will be cost neutral to the Council. If the tolerance limit is increased further, the cost to the Council  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15

Meeting: 15/07/2019 - Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Item 10)

10 Council Tax Support - 2020/21 scheme pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Each year the Council is required to review its Council Tax Support (CTS) Scheme. This report advises Overview and Scrutiny of the progress of the 2019 annual review and the resultant proposals for consultation for changes to the CTS scheme to take effect from April 2020.


Members considered the Council Tax Support – 2020/21 scheme report presented by Mark Saunders.


Councillor Miscandlon informed members that the relevant Portfolio Holders, Councillor Boden and Councillor Mrs French, were not in attendance at today’s meeting.


Councillor Miscandlon proposed that the item be deferred to a later date to allow Councillor Boden and Councillor Mrs French to attend.


Members asked questions, made comments and received response as follows;


1.    Councillor Booth asked why Councillor Boden and Councillor Mrs French were not in attendance at the meeting. Councillor Miscandlon confirmed that he was unsure as to why they were not in attendance.

2.    Councillor Booth highlighted that there are cost implications for both members and officers for deferring this agenda item.

3.    Councillor Miscandlon stated that whilst officers are present at the meeting, it is essential that the relevant Portfolio Holders are in attendance to answer member’s questions.

4.    Councillor Cornwell asked that the matter be referred urgently to Cabinet at the meeting on Thursday 18 July 2019. Councillor Miscandlon agreed to refer the matter to Cabinet.

5.    Councillor Yeulett asked if the matter could also be referred to Council for the Portfolio Holders to issue an apology to members of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel.

6.    Councillor Booth asked officers what the impact would be in deferring this item to a later meeting date. Mark Saunders explained that this item was considered earlier in the Overview and Scrutiny’s Work Programme last year, but was moved to an earlier meeting date to allow for a longer consultation period. He confirmed that considering the item at the Overview and Scrutiny Panel meeting on 2 September 2019 would still allow officers time to accommodate any consultation period.

7.    Councillor Yeulett asked if an additional meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel needed to be arranged to consider this item. Mark Saunders confirmed that providing the meeting is held prior to a meeting of Cabinet, officers will have enough time to incorporate member’s comments into the report considered by Cabinet.

8.    Councillor Booth asked if officers could prepare comparative figures reflecting an 8.5% contribution rate. Mark Saunders agreed to include this information in the subsequent report.

9.    Councillor Booth asked if the subsequent report could highlight any savings to the Council based on an ‘average’ Council Tax Support Scheme. Mark Saunders agreed to include this information.

10.Councillor Hay and Councillor Miscandlon apologised to officers on behalf of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel, for deferring this item to a later meeting date.


Proposed by Councillor Miscandlon, seconded by Councillor Hay and agreed that the item be DEFERRED in the absence of the relevant Portfolio Holders.