Decision details

Parish Council Street Lighting Update

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Members considered the Parish Street Lighting Update report presented by Councillor Boden.


Councillor Boden advised he had some amendments to put forward and circulated two additional recommendations to add to the existing recommendations, namely: 


·         3.1.1 Between the 12 Parishes, there are significant differences in the ratio the existing level of concurrent grant and the number of Parish streetlights. To help redress those differences, the figure to be used as the existing concurrent grant for the calculation in paragraph 3.1 shall, if it produces a higher figure, be substituted by forty times the number of parish streetlights in the Parish.


·         3.2.1 Between the 12 Parishes, there are significant differences in the ratio of the existing level of concurrent grant and the number of Parish streetlights. To help redress those differences, the figure to be used as the existing concurrent grant for the calculation in paragraph 3.2 shall, if it produces a higher figure, be substituted by forty times the number of parish streetlights in the Parish. 


Members agreed the additional recommendations. 


Councillor Boden advised that these additional recommendations would address the imbalance that had previously existed. It would ensure some contribution would be made towards the revenue and capital sides of the parishes’ liabilities as long as they each agreed it could be accepted in full and final settlement of the dispute that has existed between the parishes and FDC. If they do not accept, then they will not receive the money on offer. Once the amendment is taken into account, what is being offered to the parishes in total, if they all take it up, is a one-off payment of £206,037 and a new annual payment to be made to them of £18,314. It is a generous offer but reflects the unfairness which has existed and seems to be a reasonable compromise.


Councillor Mrs French asked if that would then be the end of the matter. Councillor Boden replied that it depends on how many parishes take up the offer. If some accept it, then it would not be right for others to campaign for more.  However, he understands that some parishes have already said they will take up the offer.


Cabinet AGREED to endorse all financial measures and recommendations put forward by the Leader of the Council outlined in paragraphs 3.1 to 3.6 of the report, with the inclusion of two additional recommendations at 3.1.1 and 3.2.1.

Publication date: 20/02/2020

Date of decision: 20/02/2020

Decided at meeting: 20/02/2020 - Cabinet

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