Meeting documents

Corporate Governance Committee
Tuesday, 25th September, 2012 2.30 pm

Please note: all Minutes are subject to approval at the next Meeting

Attendance Details

Councillor Mrs F S Newell (Chairman), Councillor M Cornwell(Vice-Chairman), Councillors Butcher, Clark (observing), Cotterell, King, Mayor, Oliver and Sutton
Support officers:
OFFICERS IN ATTENDANCE: Jane Bailey (Member Services), Rob Bridge (Corporate Director (Finance)), Alan Pain (Corporate Director), Carol Pilson (Corporate Director), Mark Saunders (Chief Accountant) and Jonathan Tully (internal Audit Manager)

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Ciaran McLaughlin and Claire Hilliard from PricewaterhouseCoopers the Council's external Auditors
Item Number Item/Description

The minutes of the meeting of 10 July 2012 were agreed and signed subject to the following amendment:

  • Minute number - CGC4/12 the word resign in the introduction to be replaced with re-sign.

Matter Arising

  • Jonathan Tully confirmed that a larger version of the Assurance Map had been circulated to members;

  • Rob Bridge circulated a list of suggested training ideas for the Corporate Governance Committee, stating that officers will plan the training sessions over the next few meetings. The sessions will take place in one hour sessions before the meeting commences and the training sessions will mirror items on the agenda. Councillor Butcher asked if the invitation to these training sessions could be extended to all members. Rob Bridge agreed;

  • Rob Bridge stated that a list of approved banks would be circulated following the meeting today.


Members considered the Appointed Auditor - Annual Governance Report (ISA 260), presented by Ciaran McLaughlin and Claire Hilliard from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC), the Council's external auditors. 

Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows:

  • Councillor Cotterell asked that with regards to fees for extra work, are you anticipating any extra investigations and therefore extra costs to the Council. Claire Ingram stated that it is possible that extra fees may apply as they are still working on the grants;

  • Councillor Mayor asked for clarification of the upgrade to Agresso. Rob Bridge stated that Agresso is the financial accounting system used by the Council. The system was updated and data had to be transferred to the new system. The external auditors were required to carry out checks that this was done correctly to give them the assurances that they needed. The estimated fee for this work was £10,000 however due to the time and effort spent by the Finance Team, PWC spent less time than anticipated reviewing this and the fee for the extra work was just £1,687.50;

  • Ciaran McLaughlin thanked Mark Saunders and his team, he stated that this is a good clean report, with no significant issues, this is a very good position for the Council to be in;

  • Rob Bridge stated that we have in the past had small issues, and is pleased that this year there are none. He thanked Mark Saunders and his team on behalf of CMT stating that it is reassuring to have the confidence and safety in the way that the finance team operate in these economic times;

  • Councillor King agreed, and passed on his thanks;

  • Councillor Mrs Newell agreed and passed on her congratulations and thanks to Mark Saunders and the Finance Team on behalf of the Committee.

The Corporate Governance Committee noted the Appointed Auditor - Annual Governance Report (ISA 260).


Members considered the Letter of Representation, presented by Rob Bridge.

The Corporate Governance Committee agreed the format and content of the Letter of Representation.


Members considered the Statement of Accounts 2011/12, presented by Mark Saunders.

Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows:

  • Councillor Cotterell asked that with regards to the information on page 46, point 5, is it possible that we could consider a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) in these cases? Rob Bridge stated that the paragraph relates to 5 properties in Wisbech, the Council recognises that we may not be able to recover all of the money spent to make them safe. The inclusion of this information ensures that we have something written into the accounts that reflects this;

  • Councillor Mayor asked at what stage would we consider a CPO. Rob Bridge stated that a CPO is an expensive and complex process, Cabinet were given various options to proceed with and agreed to pursue and put pressure on the owners of the properties in question to make the necessary repairs;

  • Councillor King asked if the amount stated covers what we have spent on these properties. Mark Saunders stated that it covers what is considered as a judgment. Rob Bridge stated that we have made a provision, however in the future we will consider if that provision needs to be increased. We will be taking all possible measures to protect the Council, and we will do everything in our powers to get that money back;

  • Councillor King stated that the buildings are an eyesore, they are in various states of repair, but that one in particular could be eligible for a CPO if the Council decided to take that path;

  • Councillor Cotterell stated that the document would be more useful if references were made in the notes to where the details are to be found. Rob Bridge noted this comment;

  • Councillor Cotterell stated that the document states that the annual depreciation charge for a building increase by £40k each year. Mark Saunders agreed, stating that all of our buildings as assets have varying useful lives;

  • Councillor Cotterell stated that the Queen's Diamond jubilee is still listed as a community project, but this event has already taken place. Rob Bridge stated that as part of the Leaders discretional budget he promised each of the Town and Parish Councils £1000 to commemorate the event;

  • Councillor Cotterell stated that this Council is one of the biggest levy payers to drainage boards, and where once we were refunded 100% of the levy paid we now receive much less. Rob Bridge agreed that we were once fully funded, but the formulas have been changed which means that we now get back less than 80%, this situation is going to be more difficult when the business rates changes come in;

  • Councillor Cotterell added that we are also looking at the loss of interest as the refund is paid a year later. Rob Bridge stated that we are in a difficult position and we need to work closely with the drainage boards;

  • Councillor Cornwell asked if the drainage boards have to pay business rates. Councillor Cotterell stated that they pay business rates on their properties, but not sure if the pumping stations were included. Rob Bridge agreed to find out and let members know; ACTION ROB BRIDGE

  • Councillor Cotterell asked for clarification on the differences in the figures published with regards to the charges for depreciation and impairment of non-current assets, and the revenue expenditure funded from capital under statute over the past two years. Mark Saunders stated that the valuer makes a valuation of the assets each year, and will depreciate them over a certain amount of time;

  • Councillor Cornwell asked who gets the benefit of all this detail and the work that goes into the Statement of Accounts. Rob Bridge agreed that it is a huge paper operation, and lots of work goes in to show that they are correct because as a public authority we have to show transparency;

  • Councillor Cotterell asked about the drop in the amount of non domestic rates between 2010/11 and 2011/12. Mark Saunders stated that this figure is dependant on the redistribution. Rob Bridge stated that as a Council we will see a big difference in the way that we operate, from next year the amount of business rates that we have will change, the emphasis will change for us and we will have a little more overall control;

  • Councillor Cotterell asked with regards to point 34 what does 'other' in the table refer to. Mark Saunders stated that this is made up from other funding including Government grants such as warmer homes and food safety, this figure will vary from year to year;

  • Councillor Cotterell stated that the registration of interest no longer require members to give so much detail, however outside bodies still require a high level of detail. Alan Pain stated that requirements under the code of conduct apply to the district and town/parish councils, outside bodies would have to make those changes on a voluntary basis.

The Corporate Governance Committee approved the Statement of Accounts for the financial year ended 31 March 2012.


Members considered the Risk Management Strategy and Corporate Risk Register presented by Jonathan Tully.

Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows:

  • Councillor Cornwell stated that the report refers to the Fenland Strategic Partnership but there have been changes. Jonathan Tully agreed stating that the wording may need to be changed to reflect this. Carol Pilson agreed stating that there has been a significant way to the way that the Fenland Strategic Partnership operates. The statement in the Risk Register is still appropriate but may need reviewing in the future.

The Corporate Governance Committee:

  • noted the Risk Management Strategy and agreed for a further year;

  • agreed the current Corporate Risk Register as at September 2012.


Rob Bridge updated the Committee on items of topical interest as follows:

1. Localisation of business rates

Councillor Clark presented a report to Cabinet regarding the pooling arrangement for the Localisation of business rates. Further updates will come to the Corporate Governance Committee when they are available.

Councillor Mrs Newell thanked the FDC officers and PWC for their help and Assistance, and for attending the meeting today.
