Meeting documents

Licensing Committee
Tuesday, 14th May, 2013 10.00 am

Council Chamber, Fenland Hall
Please note: all Minutes are subject to approval at the next Meeting

Attendance Details

Councillor Mrs K F Mayor(Chairman), Councillor G G R Booth, Councillor Mrs V M Bucknor, Councillor Mrs C R Cox, Councillor P Hatton, Councillor M J Humphrey, Councillor R Skoulding, Councillor W Sutton
Apologies for absence:
Councillor D W Connor,Councillor B M Keane, Councillor A Miscandlon
Support officers:
Kim Winterton (Licensing) Rory McKenna (Legal), Inspector Robin Sissons (Cambridgeshire Constabulary), Jane Webb (Member Services & Governance)
Item Number Item/Description

The minutes of the meeting of 31 July 2013 were confirmed and signed, subject to the amendment of minute L3/12 paragraph 19 to read Councillor Booth and not Councillor Mrs Booth.


Kim Winterton presented the Cumulative Impact Consultation Response report.

  • Discussion took place as to whether the bullet point on page 38 that read "Further evidence provided by analysis of Ambulance call outs show that Wisbech Town Centre is the primary location for victims of violent assault within Fenland."  It was decided that this point should remain within the document as it had been quoted from police documents;

  • Kim Winterton explained that 8.3 should read "Accordingly, the Licensing Authority has resolved to "adopt" and maintain the Cumulative Impact Policy."  This allows the policy to be altered in the future, if necessary;

  • Councillor Mrs Bucknor asked if another town wished to adopt this policy would it need revisiting.  Kim Winterton explained that as this was a separate policy and not part of the whole Licensing policy then this would mean that just the Cumulative Impact Policy would need revisiting and not the Licensing Policy as a whole;

  • Councillor Mrs Bucknor asked Inspector Sissons if Option 3 of the recommendations would be feasible for the police to manage to which Inspector Sissons replied that Option 2 would be the most sensible;

  • Councillor Humphrey commented that the proposed radius of the cumulative impact zone cuts through Mount Pleasant Road, would this be tidied up.  Kim Winterton replied stating that the radius would still cut through this road but the Police had put forward that the problems were further south and those that had responded to the consultation had felt this was correct and not too imposing.  Councillor Humphrey asked if this were to be agreed then it would be agreeing to the red line radius on page 32 of the papers to which Kim Winterton confirmed this was the case;

  • Inspector Sissons explained there would be some displacement but reminded Members there were other ways of tackling this.  Those commercial premises that would previously have been able to open up without change of use are within this area and those premises outside of the area would probably need to apply for change of use;

  • Councillor Hatton stated he would have liked to have seen a fourth option; the zone should include every street within Wisbech that has a 30mph speed limit.  Councillor Mrs Bucknor stated this was a fair point as drinkers use the side streets to Bath Road.  Kim Winterton responded that Silver Street was included along with the bulk of that area of town but explained this policy was about anyone wishing to open up another premises selling alcohol;

  • Councillor Booth explained that street drinking was covered by the DPPO which is separate to this policy, which was about premises;

  • Rory McKenna reminded Members that there is a need for an evidence base and it was quite clear where the hot spots were;

  • Councillor Mrs Mayor asked if there had been any change to the statistics since this report had been compiled to which Inspector Sissons explained that the report was still good as this weekend there had been an incident which was right in the middle of the zone;

  • Kim Winterton explained that the alcohol-related criminal damage hotspot map and proposed zone show the circle has been extended to cover the DPPO and also any footfall that may migrate and therefore covers the displacement issue;

  • Councillor Skoulding commented that it appeared it was the night refreshments that were the trouble spots.  Kim Winterton responded stating this policy was about new premises and therefore whether it would be day or night refreshments would not be an issue as this policy would catch both.  For those wishing to open a new premise this will make them realise what they have to do to help address the problem;

  • Councillor Skoulding stated he was concerned that if someone like Mark & Spencer came to Wisbech, wanting to sell alcohol; that they would be turned away.  Kim Winterton explained this would not be the case, anyone can make an application but will have to add a paragraph into their application stating how they intended not to add to the issues and it would be up to a Licensing Hearing panel to look at both sides;

  • Councillor Mrs Cox stated she welcomed any regulations as it could only help the issues;

  • Councillor Humphrey asked if this policy did not affect the premises already within the zone but was about future applications for licenses.  Kim Winterton explained this was not just about new people coming into the area because those who already have premises but wish to make a change to their current business would still be affected by this policy;

  • Councillor Sutton stated this must not become too restrictive and therefore affecting legitimate good businesses;

  • Councillor Mrs Mayor stated she was disappointed at the low number of responses received and was surprised that Wisbech Town Council had not sent in any representation.  As a consequence, Councillor Mrs Mayor explained she had spoken to Councillor David Oliver who stated that after receiving a presentation from Licensing that they were happy with the policy and what was proposed and therefore had not sent a representation into the consultation;

  • Discussions took place regarding whether whole roads should be added or taken out; Kim Winterton explained that if Members wished to extend the zone then there would be a need to carry out another consultation;

  • Rory McKenna explained if Members wished to change the recommendations then there may have to be another consultation.  But that this policy does have to be kept constantly under review and if it is seen to be not working then that may be the time to review the policy;

  • Kim Winterton explained that Licensing were now submitting comments on consultation documents for planning/new businesses and this was to make planning committee aware of key issues they may want to consider, ie a graded building that may require CCTV installation.  Kim Winterton also explained that Licensing's new software links up with the Planning module which will automatically pick up if a premises is within the zone;

  • Inspector Sissons commented there still needed to be a commercial incentive to open new businesses.  He hoped that another consultation was not necessary as the summer was now approaching which is when incidents increase and suggested that this went forwarded and be reviewed in the future if necessary;

  • Councillor Skoulding asked if Option 2 could be policed to which Inspector Sissons confirmed it would be.

It was DECIDED that the Cumulative Impact Area - Option 2 be recommended to Full Council to be adopted.
