Meeting documents

Overview and Scrutiny Panel
Monday, 5th September, 2016 2.30 pm

Council Chamber, Fenland Hall, March
Please note: all Minutes are subject to approval at the next Meeting

Attendance Details

Councillor Yeulett (Chairman), (Vice-Chairman), Councillor Booth, Councillor Buckton, Councillor Count, Councillor Mrs Davis, Councillor Mrs Laws, Councillor Mason and Councillor Mrs Mayor

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Oliver and Councillor Murphy (Observing)
Apologies for absence:
Councillor Mrs Hay, Councillor Garratt and Councillor Humphrey
Support officers:
OFFICERS IN ATTENDANCE: Jane Bailey (Member Services and Governance), Anna Goodall (Head of Legal and Governance), Dan Horn (Head of Housing and Community Support) and Aarron Locks (Community Safety Manager)
Item Number Item/Description
The minutes of the meeting of 11 July 2016 were agreed and signed.

Members considered the Fenland Community Safety Partnership Report presented by Councillor Oliver, Chief Inspector (CI) Mike Hills, Dan Horn - Head of Housing and Community Support and Aarron Locks - Community Safety Manager.

Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows:

  1. Councillor Yeulett stated that the panel had forwarded some questions following discussions at their Pre-Meeting, to which officers had responded and circulated. He confirmed that these questions and the responses would be added for information to the report published online;

  2. Councillor Yeulett stated that the panel are keen to add value to the process and asked if given the timing of when we discuss this item at our meetings, is it the right time of year as we are backward looking rather than forward looking;

  3. Councillor Yeulett asked what the specific issues are for Fenland, it looks as though 50% of the challenges and therefore 50% of the resources are focussed around Wisbech and he asked for clarification around this. He also asked about the challenges in more rural locations. Aarron Locks stated that in relation to Fenland we have identified 4 key priority areas which are Supporting Children and Young People, Domestic Abuse and Healthy Relationships, Exploitation and Empower residents to deliver safer communities. He informed members that this year a further priority has been added which is Hot Topics - emerging partnership issues. He confirmed that the partnership is looking at Fenland as a whole, when we are looking at needs Wisbech is an area of focus, but this does not mean that other towns and villages are not supported;

  4. Councillor Count stated that a lot of the issues within Fenland are geographically located in one area and that he is surprised that he has not seen any mention of areas of multiple deprivation in the report. He stated that a lot of resources are going to one specific area because of crime statistics but other agencies are tackling areas of multiple deprivation and asked if this is something that the partnership and police target too. CI Mike Hills confirmed that this is something that we are looking at too, targeting areas of multiple deprivation right down to street level looking at our areas with greatest demands;

  5. Councillor Count stated that he is pleased that this tackles a geographic area but added that he is looking more specifically at areas of multiple deprivation where there will be issues that are police orientated, and a general presence in these areas will drive down crime. CI Mike Hills stated that with regards to these areas we are making sure that we bring in interventions that are effective, we have lots of information available to us including neighbourhood profiling. There is already a lot of work undertaken to focus on this type of work with partners and this is constantly reviewed to ensure that what we are doing is working;

  6. Councillor Booth asked why issues with regards to road safety, in rural areas and in towns, which have been on-going for a number of years, are not one of the main priorities. This is a top concern for many residents and this area is in the top 3 in the country for road fatalities for people under the age of 25, why is this still not one of the main objectives for this year?  Aarron Locks stated that we are led by the multi-agency partnership and there are only a number of priorities that we can have on the action plan. We have decided that the priorities that we have in place are the greatest need in Fenland based on the evidence and information that we have. We have acknowledged that road safety is a key focus within the Supporting Children and Young People priority and have carried out a number of engagements in educational settings with young people. CI Mike Hills stated that from a police perspective it is part of the day to day business we have successfully utilised our special constabulary colleagues to conduct some speed enforcement. We have to work within some constraints with regards to local roads as when a road has a 50 MPH limit or over that significantly reduces the ability of officers and defaults to another unit. We completely acknowledge that speeding is an issue and it is raised at local forums and is an issue for local residents. He informed members about an initiative that was run in the summer in Whittlesey where we utilised some school children with trained chaperones to speak to drivers who had been stopped, about the impact of speeding. This was a fantastic idea and had a brilliant impact;

  7. Councillor Mason asked what issues have been identified with regards to priority 1, Supporting Children and Young People. Aarron Locks confirmed that the details are within the action plan further on in the report. He added that following on from a recent assessment the partnership are continuing to deliver Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) messages and Safety Zone events which include road safety. The partnership is also continuing to work on developing a project around building trust with young people as there is evidence to suggest that when young people get to 12 years old they can start to have trust issues with police and other people in authority, which in turn has an impact on confidence in reporting;

  8. Councillor Mason asked if there is scope to make use of playing fields, open spaces and sporting activities as distractions for young people and take away some of the risk factors mentioned. Aarron Locks confirmed that one of the outcomes from the meeting in July was the need to look at diversary activities for young people, and we will be looking to see how we can get this embedded into the local communities to ensure that there are activities taking place that young people can go to as we are aware of the benefits;

  9. Councillor Booth stated that we have talked about evidence based priorities and there is a lot of evidence to suggest that road safety is a big issue locally. The work that is currently being undertaken is not having as big an impact as it could and people are losing their life on the Fenland roads. There are statistics to prove this so the partnership has the evidence to make it a priority. He asked if data could be provided to members with regards to Special Constables being involved in preventative activities. Members would then be able to demonstrate to people that activity is taking place. He asked how often the speed enforcement unit from Cambridge came into this area. CI Mike Hills confirmed that the speed enforcement van belongs to the road policing unit, and the deployment of that van is evidence based across the 3 counties, unfortunately it is a resource that is prioritised according to the greatest need. He agreed to go back and feed back the comments made today and talk about the evidence and statistics in this area, adding that this is only one of the options available. With regards to the Special Constable data, this is information that is regularly shared on social media;

  10. Councillor Booth asked if the speed enforcement unit is placed in one location that demonstrates a need on a continued basis, how will evidence be gained for other locations if it is not moving to other locations. CI Mike Hills stated that there is a tasking process which looks at the deployment location of the van;

  11. Councillor Mrs Laws agreed with comments made by Councillor Booth and stated that road safety, in the eye of the residents, is a high priority. She referred back to the initiative around Coates school, where students spoke to drivers, and asked if it might be more effective to work with Students at Sir Harry Smith where most of the young people are learning to drive and are driving a 'lethal weapon' so partnership working with this age group could be very beneficial. She suggested that with regards to a deterrent, there does not always need to be a member of staff in a police vehicle for it to be a deterrent in known areas where there are potential issues;

  12. Councillor Mrs Davis asked that with regards to Community Speed Watch is the data coming in from this initiative used to pinpoint areas of focus for speeding. CI Mike Hills confirmed that we work closely with that data that comes in from Community Speed Watch and always encourage more of this type of initiative. The prioritisation process is making sure that we direct our resources in the places that they can have the best and most impact, and we will always try to do that as best we can;

  13. Councillor Mrs Davis stated that statistically we are amazed at the amount of speeding that we pick up as part of the Community Speed Watch and yet we are still waiting for some police presence. She added that it is good that people see the Community Speed Watch in place but they never see the police, and for it to be taken seriously it needs to be followed through;

  14. Councillor Yeulett stated that the new Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is now in place and is talking to people and formulating his plan. He asked what the effect has been so far in Fenland. Councillor Oliver explained that the PCC is formulating his new plan so we are currently still working with the old plans that were already in place, at this time we are unsure if the priorities will change;

  15. Councillor Yeulett asked Councillor Oliver if he has had the opportunity to meet with the new PCC and put forward the priorities from Fenland. Councillor Oliver confirmed that he has a meeting with the PCC scheduled in October and will put our views forward at the meeting. CI Mike Hills confirmed that the issues with regards to speeding and road safety in this area have already been highlighted with the PCC, he has indicated that it is his intention to provide funding for 2 posts to the force to support us with these issues;

  16. Councillor Count stated that with regards to rural crime, in previous years there was a specific Rural Crime Unit which was highly effective at tackling crime, he asked if there were any plans to reinstate this unit. CI Mike Hills confirmed that the Rural Crime Unit is back;

  17. Councillor Mrs Laws stated that we have been advised that Whittlesey Police Station is closing, this is not a popular decision amongst the community. CI Mike Hills stated that he will be attending a Whittlesey Town Council meeting with the PCC to explain that neighbourhood policing will not change. Councillor Mrs Laws stated that the community want to see more police presence and fear that this will not be the case now;

  18. Councillor Yeulett stated that there has been some racial incidents reported on in the press recently and asked if we are in control of this type of issues in Fenland following the referendum. CI Mike Hills stated that he had been concerned in the lead up and after the referendum result had been announced, but explained that prior to the referendum he had asked that a plan be put in place to manage the potential that we had for some community tensions - Operation Padshaw. In particular Wisbech was in the spotlight and there was a lot of media coverage in the area and that has the potential to create significant concern. He added that although it is difficult to say that it was a success, he is convinced that it was a reason that there were no significant issues. He stated that nationally there has been a significant increase in hate crimes, particularly since the referendum result, that has tended to focus on the large urban areas, but has been seen across all areas. He confirmed that we have seen an increase in Fenland, but urged members to look at the numbers as the overall increase is 1 or 2 crimes, we have not seen anything like the level of reporting that have been seen elsewhere. Fenland led the way in terms of piloting the third party hate crime reporting centres, acknowledging that people do not always want to report directly to the police, we have a good foundation and the work that we have done has led us to be in this position. He reassured members that community tension is something that is talked about on a daily basis;

  19. Councillor Booth stated that with reference to the fact that nationally there has been an increase in hate crime reporting, he added that people did not know about the website that you could use to report it. The media has reported on the high increase of reporting but this has come about because previously people were not reporting it when it occurred. He asked how Fenland compares to other areas with regards to the level of hate crime. CI Mike Hills stated that in terms of a comparison Fenland is lower than other areas;

  20. Councillor Mason congratulated the police on the work with regards to Operation Padshaw;

  21. Councillor Yeulett stated that with regards to the overview function of this panel the reports are historic, he asked Councillor Oliver what value this meeting can add to the process. Councillor Oliver confirmed that the partnership is here today to report on the previous year. He stated that moving forward it is important that the overview side of this panel has the opportunity to have sight of the proposals when the plan is being formulated to feed into the plan. He added that when the priorities are set by the partnership they are set in line with the police priorities but we have seen the work carried out and the value of the input by this panel and following discussions we feel that the way forward is to bring it to this panel for comment;

  22. Councillor Buckton stated that he is pleased that this has been looked at moving forward as he was unsure of the value that the meeting was adding today. He added that he feels this panel can add value looking at the plan in its formulation. Councillor Oliver agreed and stated that we have seen the value added with Overview and Scrutiny being involved in the overview function of other work and welcome that support;

  23. Councillor Buckton stated that he is pleased to see that a strategic assessment is produced every 3 months which you then look at as a partnership and consider and modify the plan accordingly, which makes the plan a living document and much more dynamic. He asked how that process is working. Councillor Oliver stated that from a strategic point of view we can pin point things a lot more accurately and timely. Aarron Locks stated that for example relating to Domestic Abuse and Healthy Relationships, which will be coming up at the October meeting, we will discuss what needs to be focussed on looking at data and analysis, having had 12 months with this priority in place. This has already highlighted that the partnership needs to focus on familial abuse, abuse that is happening within the family home, so we will be asking our research team to focus on that area, see what best practice is happening both nationally and locally and we will drive some recommendations for the partnership to consider based on that evidence. Following an open discussion at the partnership meeting we will agree recommendations and filter this information into the action plan. Dan Horn stated that one of the concerns of the partnership is that we cannot do everything, looking at the data that comes forward, if we try to do everything we will achieve very little. This is why the quarterly strategic assessments work well as they allow us to focus on the priorities. We need to focus the resources to make the biggest impact. Councillor Oliver stated that we have found that some of the recommendations that we are not able to focus on can be taken on by others in the partnership, or indeed, are already being done without our knowledge. Councillor Buckton stated that it sounds like when you are overwhelmed by data the partnership are working in a smart way;

  24. Councillor Booth asked when the development of the plan occurs. Councillor Yeulett stated that we would like to get the timing right to ensure that this item is in our work programme at the right time. Councillor Oliver confirmed that the partnership start formulating the plan in January and that they would have something in draft form for the panel around February;

  25. Councillor Yeulett stated that alcohol related issues appear to feature quite frequently in the report, he asked how we compare to other areas that have similar problems. Aarron Locks stated that Fenland developed a multi-agency project plan that was focused around Wisbech. Following 4 key strategic themes this has been very successful to date at not only reducing street drinkers but understanding who the street drinking community are and why they are in that situation. He explained that it is very difficult to measure performance around this type of work and the only data available is around treatment provider statistics for people who are actively seeking alcohol treatment. He informed members that in 2015 Fenland saw a 63% increase in people referring to alcohol treatment services, which was far higher than anywhere else in the County, to compare, Cambridge City only saw a 3% increase and Huntingdon saw a 14% increase. We are on the right path but still have a long way to go, street drinking is still one of the highest categories within Wisbech and the work in this area is on-going;

  26. Councillor Booth asked if the police have statistics on how many times they confiscate alcohol from people and if they do can the partnership use this data. CI Mike Hills confirmed that the police do record this information. Aarron Locks stated that the partnership have access to that data and also information and data from the CCTV team, from this data we can see that street drinking is reducing, by 50% this year, however when you talk to the local community their perception is that it is not or that it is not reducing to a level that they are happy with;

  27. Councillor Booth stated that he has seen in the press that a common area for alcohol related litter is St. Peters Church Yard. Aarron Locks stated litter surveys were carried out in Wisbech 2 years ago and have just been carried out again and although we have seen an increase, in fact it has doubled in 2 years, St. Peters Gardens and the Town Park have seen a drastic reduction, this is why it is important to look at the reasons behind the drinking and alcohol dependency and not just to push the problem elsewhere;

  28. Councillor Yeulett asked what has been the greatest success. CI Mike Hills stated that there have been a number of successes, but that he would like to highlight the Operation Pheasant work, nationally we have led the way and we still get requests to visit other forces to let them know about this work, in terms of impact, this is one of our biggest successes. We are not complacent, we have done some good work and it is now part of our day to day business;

  29. Councillor Yeulett asked what has not gone so well. CI Mike Hills stated that we can always do better at everything, but in terms of area of focus, locally and as a force, is around dwelling burglary and making sure that we record crimes accurately. Figures recently released highlight the under-reporting of crime and that this is something that provides context to the increase in crime figures that we have seen;

  30. Councillor Booth asked for clarification with regards to the 101 service. 12 months ago there was a lot in the press about the service, people saying it is not worth calling as you cannot get through. CI Mike Hills stated that 12 months on and we are in a much better place with regards to this service. One of the significant issues was around resourcing, the previous PCC funded an additional 12 posts and a new IT system is now in place,  so we acknowledged there was an issue and measures have been put in place to improve that service;

  31. Councillor Yeulett asked Councillor Oliver what have been the partnership's greatest achievements this year. Councillor Oliver stated one of the highlights has been the support to children and young people, he added that he has attended the safety zone events and the enthusiasm from the young people that attend and the knowledge that they take away is incredible and may save lives. He stated that another success is Chelsea's Choice of which there is a performance taking place in September, he explained that previously there were 2 major disclosures following a performance, and it is successes like these that the partnership are proud of. He added that the alcohol awareness scheme has been a great success over the last year;

  32. Councillor Booth asked with regards to the Community Action Areas (CAA's), should the actions identified not have already been taken, do they need to be identified in this way. Aarron Locks stated that for example on a usual day there would be a report made about free runners at North Cambs Hospital, the police would attend, take the details of the people involved and move them on. We looked at it this issue as a partnership problem to ensure that the hospital took ownership too, making some changes to their environment and improving security. Councillor Booth asked if we should be operating like this on a day to day basis anyway. Aarron Locks confirmed that partnership working is happening every day, but sometimes there are problems that need a longer term plan and that is what these CAA's are, they are greater than everyday business;

  33. Councillor Yeulett thanked the Officers and members for an informative session stating that the panel are looking forward to meeting again and adding value to the plan in the future.

The Overview and Scrutiny Panel agreed to note:

  • The end of year performance of the partnership for 2015/16;

  • The new theme chosen for 2016/7;

  • The CCTV performance report for 2015/16.


The Overview and Scrutiny Panel received a Police Update presentation. Chief Inspector (CI) Mike Hills attended the meeting to present the item, he informed members about the following:

  • The Mission;

  • The Priorities 2016/17;

  • Policing in Fenland;

  • Governance;

  • Briefing, Tasking and Intelligence;

  • Emergency Response;

  • Incidents and Crimes in Fenland;

  • Breakdown of Incidents and Crimes by sector;

  • Anti-Social Behaviour in Fenland;

  • Police Recorded Crime;

  • Violent Crime;

  • Exploitation and Trafficking Update;

  • Engagement;

  • Some Key Issues faced;

  • The Future.

Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows:

  1. Councillor Yeulett thanked CI Mike Hills for a very comprehensive presentation, congratulating him and his team on their performance. He added that it is this type of presentation that helps us to appreciate the scope of the demand that you have. We can see that through engagement people are encouraged to report crime and problems that they have. CI Mike Hills stated that we are not perfect, and can do better on occasions. He added that recently at a presentation he gave to some farmers who have experienced issues with regards to rural crime. They said that they are not reporting crime anymore and I explained that if they are not reporting it we cannot do anything about it. Those reports are what drives the response, each individual crime reported may not drive a response on its own but they build a bigger picture to ensure that when we do put in an intervention, it can be more effective this way;

  2. Councillor Mrs Davis stated that one of the issues is about perception. CI Mike Hills agreed, stating that this one of the greatest battles that the police face, perception verses reality;

  3. Councillor Mrs Davis referred to a case where information was provided to the police which pinpoints particular times of the day and gives the names of specific people and yet no police attended. She stated that the perception in this case, to the people reporting this matter, is 'what is the point?' CI Mike Hills agreed to discuss the specific case following the meeting. He stated that it is about making sure that we are effective, we do the best that we can, and on the occasions that we do not attend there is a justifiable reason and we need to be clear about those reasons;

  4. Councillor Mrs Davis offered her congratulations with regards to the 101 service improvements. CI Mike Hills thanked Councillor Mrs Davis and agreed to pass her comments on;

  5. Councillor Count stated that during the presentation a point was made about the protection of frontline officers, he asked if any analysis has taken place to look at how much time frontline officers actually spend on the frontline and how much time is spent doing paper work etc. CI Mike Hills confirmed that this is looked at and is assessed, he added that Cambridgeshire have led the way in terms of IT for frontline officers, all officers now have electronic slates and can work from any location with 3G. Working in any location increases the visibility of officers reducing the need for them to be at a station. He informed members that this is the first time that an IT system has been written especially for the police, it is a gateway allowing access to all systems, and is developed on a week by week basis responding to feedback from officers, so it is continuously evolving and adapting to their needs.  Currently officers are deployed by radio contact but ultimately the slates will start to assist with direction and deployment as the slate will know your location and deploy you accordingly. The key is to keep officers out of the station and away from the administration and bureaucracy as much as possible;

  6. Councillor Count asked for clarification with regards to violent crimes, as the graph in the presentation shows a 65% increase and the assumption is that this is due to the increase in reporting. He asked if there is any value to comparing the data to look at what the issues are so that you can say with some confidence that it is not a true increase. CI Mike Hills confirmed that we know that the increase in violent offences has been driven by the category of violence without injury which is a low level assault rather than serious violence;

  7. Councillor Mrs Mayor stated that referring to CCTV, there was an incident in Whittlesey where a picnic bench was vandalised, but the town council are unable to get any evidence from CCTV despite the town council paying to upgrade the camera to an infrared camera. She asked if the town council could have some assistance with this matter. CI Mike Hills and Aarron Locks agreed to discuss the case following the meeting;

  8. Councillor Mrs Mayor stated that priorities for children and young people and domestic abuse have been talked about today, she asked if the two priorities are ever linked and analysed together. CI Mike Hills confirmed that when responding to a report of domestic abuse we operate a triage system to assess the severity of the situation, a situation where children are involved would highlight safeguarding issues and would be dealt with by our centralised domestic abuse investigation unit which are linked closely with other safeguarding agencies;

  9. Councillor Booth stated that the issues around the 101 service received a lot of media attention, now it appears that the service has seen some improvements can the police promote this in the media to raise awareness and reinstate some confidence in the service, and possible publish regular updates to encourage the reporting of crime. CI Mike Hills thanked Councillor Booth for this suggestion and agreed to feedback to colleagues;

  10. Councillor Booth stated that with regards to visibility and the police having limited resources. He suggested that the police attend more community events to improve visibility. There will often be 200-300 people at an event in one area that would see you. He stated that recently at the Parson Drove Car Show police were not available to attend due to shift patterns, but if some arrangements could have been made for that day there were 1000 people there who would have seen the police presence, and that would have an impact on the perception that there are not enough police. Even a PCSO at an event would improve the perception of police in attendance. CI Mike Hills stated that he agrees that the attendance at these events is a good idea, but that it comes back to priorities and that he can say with a degree of confidence that during that time officers were attending something of a higher priority that day, but he takes the point made by Councillor Booth;

  11. Councillor Mrs Laws stated that Whittlesey Town Council is not impressed with the CCTV operation and seriously considering withdrawing as we have paid for infrared cameras which are not proving to be useful, it is not a deterrent and it is not value for money;

  12. Councillor Mrs Laws stated that with the Whittlesey Festival approaching it is an ideal opportunity for police presence of some description to improve confidence in the area. CI Mike Hills thanked Councillor Mrs Laws;

  13. Councillor Mrs Laws asked about the work around social media sites, do the police have dedicated officers tasked to work on this. CI Mike Hills stated that there is not a dedicated resource but every officer receives social media training and are all aware of the sites. We are very active in terms of social media, it is a brilliant tool but it has to be managed, we will often see something on social media that is inaccurate and he stated that his advice to local officers is to change it, we have seen examples of urban rumours and these can explode out of all proportion, it is important to get in early to correct rumours. He reiterated that he does not have a dedicated resource but has the ability to task somebody around specific issues;

  14. Councillor Mrs Laws asked for clarification with regards to CI Mike Hills' mention of children's homes. CI Mike Hills confirmed that proportionally we have the highest number of missing from home reports;

  15. Councillor Mrs Laws asked if there are regular meetings taking place with the registered children's homes and the police. CI Mike Hills confirmed that it was identified that we should have a process of engagement with them and now there are regular meetings as taking place;

  16. Councillor Mrs Laws stated that now there are regular meetings if there is an incident where the ambulance or the fire crew are called out is this reported to you. CI Mike Hills stated that this would only be reported if the home did so at the next catch up meeting, but it is not a specific criteria;

  17. Councillor Mason asked that with regards to the closure of Whittlesey Police Station where the officers will book on for their shift. CI Mike Hills confirmed that the intention is that officers would book on in March where they would receive their briefing and then would be deployed to Whittlesey. Councillor Mason stated that he is concerned that if they book on in March and there is more work in March they would not make it to Whittlesey. CI Mike Hills confirmed that this has always been the case, but the intention is that those officers will continue to support the community in Whittlesey;

  18. Councillor Buckton asked with regards to tasking, having briefed and tasked officers how do you know that they are doing things tasked to them.  CI Mike Hills confirmed that this is picked up at the briefing the next day;

  19. Councillor Buckton stated that he feels that there has been a trend for the police to withdraw from things, like the community events, by saying we are too busy or it is not a priority. He stated that reassurance is still a priority and suggested that community events are part of the briefing and tasking process for the day even if they are just there for 15 minutes. CI Mike Hills thanked Councillor Buckton for his suggestion;

  20. Councillor Mrs Davis stated that the police used to make representation at Parish Council Meetings and although she understands that this might not be the best use of an officer's time, if they were unable to attend would submit a report; however we have been told that they will no longer be submitting reports. Councillor Booth confirmed that Parson Drove continue to get reports. CI Mike Hills confirmed that it was his decision that officers should stop attending the meetings. Councillor Mrs Davis stated that she totally supports that decision. CI Mike Hills explained that what we found was that officers were producing fairly lengthy reports, but that a lot of the information in those reports was publically available. Councillor Mrs Davis stated that the Parish Council are not looking for lengthy reports we are just looking for statistics. CI Mike Hills agreed to discuss further following the meeting;

  21. Councillor Yeulett referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendations Log to ensure that the Community Safety Partnership had no outstanding issues to address. Dan Horn and Aarron Locks confirmed that in response to recommendations from the previous meeting with Overview and Scrutiny we made specific changes to the action plan and confirmed that there are no outstanding recommendations. Councillor Yeulett thanked the officers for their clarification;

  22. Councillor Yeulett asked that the recommendations from today's meeting are added to the Log. Anna Goodall confirmed that she would add the following recommendations:
    1. Police to consider further promotion of the 101 service to improve confidence in the service and improve reporting;

    2. Take Councillor Davis point in relation to Parish Councils receiving statistical updates in relation to their areas;

    3. Social Media response is targeted in response to some issues;

    4. Visibility at community events.

  23. Councillor Booth stated that he had mentioned the issues with regards to speeding. Anna Good all confirmed that this issue was picked up in relation to the Community Safety Partnership Item along with Rural Crime and the timing of the development of the plan, so that this panel are involved in the formulation of the plan;

  24. Councillor Mrs Laws asked if the police update presentation could be circulated to members. Jane Bailey agreed to circulate the presentation following the meeting;

  25. Councillor Buckton asked if the current plan is available for the Community Safety Partnership and if so can it be circulated to the panel. Councillor Oliver agreed that the current plan can be circulated;

  26. Councillor Buckton stated that today has been very useful to set us up for the next session which will be in our overview capacity;

  27. Councillor Yeulett thanked CI Mike Hills, Councillor Oliver, Dan Horn and Aaron Locks for attending the meeting today and answering the questions from the panel, he thanked them all for a very comprehensive afternoon, adding that the panel look forward to making more of a contribution to the plans moving forward.

Councillor Mrs Mayor declared a non-pecuniary interest in this item by virtue of the fact that a family member is employed by Cambridgeshire Constabulary.


Members considered the Future Work Programme 2016/17 for the Overview and Scrutiny Panel.

Members agreed the Future Work Programme 2016/17 for the Overview and Scrutiny Panel.
