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Site Alert: System Maintenance

Due to system maintenance, a number of our systems including Public Access (planning) and Modern Gov (Councillor, Committee and Meeting info), will be unavailable between between 8am and 12noon on Sunday 16 June. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Application advice

Please follow this guidance when applying for a Premises Licence or Club Premises Certificate.

Your application 

All applications must:

  • be advertised in the local paper within 10 working days of the application being submitted. The licence applicant must pay the cost of the advert
  • be displayed as a notice, on blue paper, outside the premises it relates to. This must be shown continuously for 28 days from the day after the application was submitted. View the  advertisement notice template (Word doc) [26KB] .
  • include a consent form (only if your Premises Licence application includes the supply of alcohol)
  • provide evidence of the applicants'  right to work in the UK (Word doc) [106KB]

Your application cannot be processed until you have done all of the above. 

The application form will also ask how you will promote each of our licensing objectives. These relate to:

  • prevention of crime and disorder
  • public nuisance
  • public safety
  • protection of children from harm

You need to think how you will do this in practice. These proposals will be put into the conditions of your licence (if granted). An example of this, under crime and disorder, is suggesting that you will install a CCTV system to identify persons and that will store images for at least 28 days. 

In most cases, premises licences must have a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) applied to that licence so sales of alcohol can take place under the authority of that licence. A DPS must be a Personal Licence Holder. 


With your application form, you also need to give a plan of your premises that you are applying to licence. 

Unless you are sending your plan via, you need to give a copy to us and each of the 'responsible authorities'. 

Your plan must show:

  • The building boundary (and the premises perimeter, if different). If relevant, show external and internal walls of the building 
  • Access and egress points, including any other escape routes
  • Fixed structures (including furniture) or similar that may impact on people using exit or escape routes
  • The location and height of any stages or raised areas (from the floor)
  • Where each licensable activity will take place (if more than one)
  • Steps, stairs, elevators or lifts
  • The location of public toilets
  • The location and type of fire safety and other safety equipment
  • The location of the kitchen (if applicable)

Your plans do not need to be professionally drawn. However:

  • The plan should be drawn in a standard scale (unless agreed otherwise with your Licensing Officer). 1 millimeter should represent 100 millimetres
  • You can use symbols to show information
  • You don't need to show areas that aren't part of the premises you are licensing
  • You should describe areas you intend to provide for people to drink alcohol sold or supplied by you. Do this in part 3 of your application form  

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