Meeting documents

Conduct Committee
Tuesday, 20th October, 2015

Room 38, Fenland Hall, March
Please note: all Minutes are subject to approval at the next Meeting

Attendance Details

Councillor Miss S Hoy(Chairman), Councillor C Boden(Vice-Chairman), Councillor A Donnelly, Tina Gambell, Councillor M J Humphrey, Councillor D Mason, Councillor R Skoulding
Apologies for absence:
C Hawden-Beal, Councillor N Russell
Support officers:
Carol Pilson (Corporate Director & Monitoring Officer), Tom Lewis (Deputy Monitoring Officer), Jane Webb (Member Services & Governance Supervisor)
Item Number Item/Description

Carol Pilson, Corporate Director and Monitoring Officer presented the Conduct Committee Procedures Report and informed Members that following an open forum attended by members of Committee, that was also open to other members) certain minor tweaks to the conduct process had been suggested and the Committee has been asked to consider whether the suggested changes to the current process achieve the refinements suggested.

Members made comments and asked questions:

  • Councillor Humphrey stated Members would have to have substantial grounds to disagree with an investigating officer and therefore Members have to give considerable weight to the investigating officer's report.

  • Councillor Boden suggested the wording in the summary that currently reads "Complaint found and appropriate sanction given" be amended to state "Complaint upheld and appropriate sanction given".  Members were happy with this amendment.

The item was proposed by Councillor Boden and seconded by Councillor Skoulding.

It was AGREED that:

  • The proposed changes to the current process be ENDORSED;

  • The changes to be recommended to Council to allow the appropriate constitutional updates to be made.
