Don't miss the chance to have your say on buses
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority is holding a bus franchising consultation and you can have your say to help improve bus services.

The consultation is running until November 20, 2024. It will inform a decision by the Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough on how to reform buses across the area.
Everyone is invited to participate and the combined authority is especially keen to hear from families, students and older people.
Drop in events
A series of drop-in events will be taking place in September and October.
The events will give you the opportunity to meet members of the consultation team in person, share your views about local bus services face-to-face and give feedback in the consultation.
Dates and times, as well as detailed location and travel information, can be found on the Bus Franchising Consultation website.
An event is planned for Wisbech on Wednesday, October 2, 2pm to 4pm at Wisbech Market Place, PE13 1DY and 4.30pm to 6.30pm next to Freedom Bridge Roundabout, Wisbech, PE13 1NP. Before travelling please check the Bus Franchising Consultation website for latest event updates.
Can't attend a drop in event?
For anyone who can't attend a drop-in event, there are lots of other ways to take part in the consultation:
- You can take part online: Bus Franchising Consultation website
- Paper copies or large print versions of the consultation documents are available too, and you can request a copy in the following languages: Polish, Lithuanian, Portuguese and Urdu.
- Request printed consultation documents from 01480 277180. The combined authority will arrange to send you a FREEPOST envelope. All survey returns should be sent to the following address: Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority Bus Franchising Consultation, 2nd Floor, Pathfinder House, St Mary's Street, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE29 3TN.
To get in touch with the consultation team directly:
Phone: 01480 277180
Write to: 2nd Floor, Pathfinder House, St Mary's Street, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE29 3TN
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September 2024